I was not able to post since couple of days due to some reasons. But I have gone through the episodes. So many people are trying to oppress Kullfi or more specifically trying to put down Kullfi. What happened between her and her mami, her and the pandit, her and the villagers, her and lovely and sikander, her and Amyra, her and lovely mother. All these people try to put down Kullfi. But your inner strength is revealed when you are oppressed.
I was going through the Ted talk of a famous personality Vikas Khanna. He told that your real strength is revealed when you are oppressed. He told in the train a conductor thrown Gandhiji out of the train. But the world does not remembers the conductor, the world remembers Gandhiji. In this journey of Kullfi, no one will remember mami, Amyra, lovely. But everyone will remember Kullfi