How are you all dong?
Well, starting from this week onwards, we are going to have a Discussion of the Week!
I really do hope all the members participate so we can make this section alive.
So, for our first DOTW, here is the scenario that we will ponder on:
Its been about three to four years since Abahy died and Krishna married Yuvi.
Yuvi still is the same person we know till now and his reasons for marrying Krishna remain the same. Eventually, he impregnates her and they have a child together.
Now the twist here is that Abhay is not dead and now, after three to four years, he returns.
The questionnaire for this scenario are as follows:
1. Who do you think has more right over Krishna? Abhay or Yuvi?
2. Now that Krishna has two spouses, which marriage is legitimate and lawful?
3. In your eyes, if Krishna were to make a decision, what should it be and why?
4. Krishna now has a child from Abahy and a child from Yuvi. How grave is the scenario and what consequences will it bring?
5. If Krishna decides to go to Abhay, will it be fair on hers and Yuvi's child? and vice versa.
6. If you were VP Raichand, what would you do to help the situation?
So lets start discussing this scene and add whatever input you want. A healthy debate is good! Lets keep this clean.
IF Dev, Team