Krishnadasi Forum Rules

.Prometheus. thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 8 years ago

Krishnadasi Forum Rules

Insulting/Abusive Posts: We have always asked forum members to refrain from making posts that are abusive, derogatory, insulting or sarcastic enough to affect the sentiment of another member. Making any personal attacks or derogatory names calling against members, actors, characters or Creative's is NOT acceptable. Constructive Criticism about the show is allowed but avoid bringing in other shows/actors who are not part of the show. Members have difference of opinion, no doubt. You can't expect all the fingers of one hand to be same do you? You are free to raise your opinions not forgetting limits of decency. Things can be said in a more civilized manner rather than being brutal. If you do not like a character, criticize the character but NOT the actor. Same goes to fans too. If you see a criticism against a character, please do not jump in to defend the Actor/actress, for it is only the character that is getting criticized. If anyone is at fault then it is the story plot.

So I guess from this the question arises what is the difference between constructive criticism and bashing, constructive criticism is where a member voices their opinion without the use of foul, derogatory or insulting language and are able to state without subjugation where they have derived their opinion from.

For example ' I think Person A was really crap today and they cannot act to save their life' this is not constructive criticism however 'I think Person A could have portrayed themselves better if they had put more emotion into their feelings for example when they stated...' this is constructive criticism and will be allowed on the forum.

Name Calling Posts: While criticizing, remember to not post anything unsavory that you wouldn't like hearing about yourself spoken by others. Any derogatory references or name callings against actors /characters/members/Dev team members are strictly a NO NO here. On every forum we do like to call characters by Nicks or join names together, whilst this is allowed, please make sure just nicks are not insulting or deemed to be derogatory to their respective fans. So name calling such as 'Miss Ego', 'Nautanki' or 'Miss Mahaan' (these are examples) will not be tolerated on the forum. Members are aksed to refrain from calling members name as well, for exmaple do not call others bashers, haters etc.

Bringing physical attributes into discussion - Many have been found to do the same at time even indirectly. Such negative posts are strict NO. Anyone now onwards if found making negative posts on physical appearances of a character/actor will face strict action, even indirect mention of the matter will NOT be entertained.

Making MIDs to bash the Actors,Creatives and Characters: This has increased in the last few weeks. There are many members who are creating Multiple IDs just to bash the actors,creatives and the characters. Dev Team can very well find out the members who are having more than one ID and if someone is found guilty then that member might immediately face a straight ban.So its a request that if any member is having doubts on any particular Member ID kindly report it or pm any one of the Dev team member.Creating MID is not allowed and without a justified reason will lead to warning levels being raised.

Personal Attacks/Sarcastic Comments/Assumptions: If members come across a POV which you do not agree with, try to ignore the post or simply state you own POV saying "I disagree with you for so and so reason" instead of saying "Just stop your nonsense" or 'if you think this then you are dumb'. IF is a discussion forum at the end of the day and everyone is allowed to post their views without the threat of feeling that they will be attacked for their opinions, just like you are allowed to say what you think so is the next person. But with that in mind you are to make sure your comments are constructive and not instigative to cause arguments on the forum.

Please refrain from making assumption regarding other people an fangroups, comments such as 'Fangroup of A always starts fights and they expect us to take it' or 'Fangroup of A always make a ruckus when things dont go their own way' 'Fangroup of A think they are better then us' comments like this will only leads to arguments and it is for the betterment of the forum that members refrain from making such assumption. Remember, both hands are needed to clap. Therefore, you are equally responsible.

Also refrain from making comments which allude to members of the forum being better behaved/fangroups acting in a manner or conducting themselves in certain manner, this indirectly alludes to state that other members or fangroups are either behaving in this manner or not, which obviously would cause other members to feel targeted and could be seen as an insult. For example comments such as ' We x fans always appreciate the production house and don't retaliate' or 'we always maintain ourselves on the forum' or ' we don't indulge in showering the CV's with appreciation'. Such comments insinuate that other members either do this or don't do this which is making assumptions and would lead to arguments on the forum.

Having stated that, this applies to PM's as well. Members are not to target one another via PM service, stretching the matter there if a topic is closed on forum. That is against rules as well as it comes under personal attacks based on one's likes/dislikes. I-F is a discussion portal and one should keep in mind to draw lines between generalization and personal attacks. This includes threatening members regarding personal life as well. Everyone likes to feel safe. Threatening members of the forum via PM service or any other avenues constitutes as cyber bullying, not only is this not allowed on India-forums, such actions are unlawful and stringent action will be taken against members who conduct themselves in this manner

Comparison Topics/Instigating posts: There is a lot of comparison posts on the forum as of late so we would like to point out what is allowed and what isn't. Comparison to do with episodes or the track itself is allowed, for example if there are two dance off on the episode if someone makes a posts stating which of the dances they liked best and why, this discussion will be allowed. But general posts which states who is the better dancer, who has the most fan following, which couple look better, who is more supportive etc are not allowed as these are more general and would ultimately lead to arguments. But whilst making such a topic the member has to be sure that their posts is without malice or bias and would enable all parties to out their case forward, but whilst doing that another character is not put down to make your point.

Counter-Posting: Refrain from making counter posts on the forum, for example if you see a post which you feel you do not agree with in believe to be insulting/instigatory or abusive, DO NOT then go an create another topic in relation to it counter arguing the post maker, this only leads to further disrests and more arguments breaking out in the forum. If you come across any posts which you believe are not in accordance with the Krishnadasi COC just REPORT and let the moderators of the section handle the situation.

Moral Policing - Moral Policing is NOT allowed. You cannot go around telling members that 'since you are a fan of ___, you cannot make topics against ___ or on that couple.' There is a reason that DT are in this forum, please leave the rule enforcement to us. So please, don't tell members what to do, and what not to do and don't tell members what to post and who to post it on. Only the DT is allowed to do that. So from now on, anyone found moral policing will get a direct 20% warning level raise without any further explanations, excuses or discussion.

Past Shows, Productions and Comparisons: No discussion on past shows that the actors of this show have been in can be discussed. This also means no discussion on how a previous actor(ess) that has acted with the actor(ess) in Krishnadasi can be discussed or compared upon, be it the actors or comparisons being made of who would suit what role better. Furthermore, NO COMPARISONS will be tolerated in regards to comparing shows that the production house has produced. All such thread in regards to the above will be closed or trashed


Edited by Artemisia - 8 years ago


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Frequent Posters

.Prometheus. thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 8 years ago

General Forum Rules

No Slangs/Swear words/Curses/ Profanity in Posts - The use of foul language is STRICTLY PROHIBITED on the forum. Whether the word is written in its complete format or abbreviated, it is still not allowed under any circumstances. This is a family forum where we have members from 13 years of age to 70+ years visiting. So irrespective of how angry or how frustrated you are, you will not use swear words, curses, slang's or profanity. Anyone found doing so will face serious action.Should members come across such language please do report the post. Use of such language will lead to warnings and warning level raised for repeat offenders.

Duplicate Posts: Do check the last 4-5 pages of the forum before making a post to see whether or not the topic has been posted already. Refrain from making duplicated topic regarding the same issue/point on the forum, this is so discussion can remain concise and the the forum is run more effieciently, also members will not then have to post the same discussion on several threads. This is also lead to an increase in discussion as its not spread out all over the forum in different threads. It is not the quantity of posts on the forum but the quality that matters. All posts of similar nature will be merged with the previous post. Continuous disregard will lead to warnings.

Editing Titles:When a title has been amended by a Dev Team or a note has been put into a members posts, please refrain from editing such posts, this will be seen as going against the code of conduct and the members will be reprimanded.

New Topics : Before posting a new topic, check first few pages to see that its not posted already otherwise your topic would be closed/merged with existing one.

Spamming/Chatting/Quoting: Refrain from posting single consecutive pictures/creation in the gallery, this can be considered spamming.

Refrain yourself from chatting/spamming on the forum. Don't to start your personal chats in threads opened for various subjects/discussion topics. Please try to stick to the topic title when posting replies in discussion threads - chatting in discussion topics is NOT allowed.

It has been noticed people are making posts with very long quotes, try to avoid this as it makes the pages lag due to the large amount of quoting and takes longer time for page to load. Instead use the @ sign and write the name of the person you wish to reply to if you want to reply to various people. QUOTING in order to save the evidence is NOT allowed. YES. You can quote/ screen shot but you are NOT allowed to quote and post in a thread you are not supposed to be posting in. If you are found quoting a post and posting it in the forum instead of PMing the Mods, your WL will be raised.

Appreciation Thread: Appreciation threads are to be used to praise and appreciate particular favorite actor/actress/celebrity. All discussions related to actor's/actress performance, looks, style and personality can be confined to ATs. Please don't use the AT's as a forum to bash/mock/discuss other celebrities/members, discuss what is happening on the forum or elsewhere on IF or other social networking sites, basically keep it related to what the AT is about.

a. Chatting: We do allow minimum chatting in ATs, provided it is related to this AT alone. Additionally Do not spam with just emotions/numbers to increase post count/pages. Do not quote long quotes.You can quote three posts maximum and they should be small.

ATs are open for everyone, however, do not invade the AT with the purpose to rile up the fans or instigate them. Everyone has their right to voice out their opinions and should NOT be judged/generalized based on their likes/dislikes. If any of your fellow members/friends fails to follow the rules, kindly ask them to edit out or tell them its wrong rather than joining them and aggravate the issues further and equally responsible for carrying forward an unfavorable situation. Hence be responsible and take responsibility because that way you may prevent action taken against your AT thread.

ATs/discussions threads can NOT be used to target other members and NO pinpointing activity/mock or taking digs here toward other fan groups.Any derogatory references or name callings against actors /characters/members/Dev team members are strictly PROHIBITED here.

b. Report: If you see anyone breaching the rules in any of the threads in the main forum, you will not come here and rant it out about it and snowball the issue further! Instead make use of the "REPORT" button and report the thread by stating the reason clearly. As soon as the Dev Team comes online they would take the necessary action.

We can assure you guys that we only takes action where it's legit reason. However, here is a little catch for the stalkers who just want to report in order to get the AT closed down - If you report any post/comments that has no legit reason, you will be reliable for action against you for stalking.

If the DT sees more than 3 people breaking the AT rules constantly for a week, the effects of violations will kick start, which go as follows:

First Violation - Warning Note

Second - Another Warning Note

Third - Another Warning Note

Fourth - Close the AT for 24 hrs (1 Day)

Fifth - Close AT for 72 hrs (3 Days)

Sixth - Close AT for 1 week (7 Days)

Seventh - Get rid of AT completely from the forum/Shift it to Celebrity Fan Club Forum.

One Liners/Short Episode Discussion Detailed discussions on the episode can be conducted on the Main Forum, please post all one liners/ short sentences regarding the episode in the Episode Discussion Thread, This is the reason the thread was created. This so discussion can be kept concise and will not make the forum look messy having several posts open regarding the same episode. As mentioned detailed discussion posts can still be created in the main forum. Short Discussion consists on posts with 5-6 lines only on a episode.

While discussing episode in Episode Discussion Thread try to keep the chatting in such threads to a minimum, there are other thread/section (Chat Corner/Chat Club) which are available for such content.

Advertising - Please DO NOT post content from Indian Television, ITvF, urlremoved and TellyChakkar, these posts will be trashed, and repeated occurrences of this may lead to members receiving a warning. Also refrain from posting videos which have site logos on them (i.e watermarked with the sites web address) although we realize that many members are not posting these to advertise the websites, but you are still indirectly advertising the sites by posting video links which are watermarked.

Social Networking Sites - Content from Facebook, Twiiter, Myspace etc etc are not allowed to be posted on the forum. This is a forum wide rule that has been implemented by the admin/owners of Such posts will get closed and repeat offenders may have their warning level raised

Personal lives & Non Krishnadasi Topics
- This section is only intended for the discussion of the show Krishnadasi topics related to it. Any topics or posts about the personal lives of the actors or makers outside the show will NOT be allowed unless it has a clear and direct relationship to the show. Any topics or posts judging or commenting on the personal life of the people who play the characters will not be allowed. While certain issues are related to Krishnadasi, if you want to discuss issues like morality, censorship, marriage and relationships on a broader scope beyond the limitations of the show please take it to other appropriate discussion sections.

FORUM ISSUES - Do not bring forum issues into the threads under any circumstances - if you have any problems with any of the threads on the forum - either report them or PM the dev team members of the forum. DO NOT create posts to discuss forum issues and DO NOT start discussing forum issues in threads already open.

No Update Requests - Please be patient. Do not create topics asking for written or video updates. The updates will be posted as per the updaters' convenience. If you are not assigned to do the updates then please do not post updates. This is not fair as the updater spends time in doing the update and when they come to the forum they find it already done and posted, it puts the updaters' work to waste. Incase you want to update for any particular day kindly PM and take permission from the updater.

No Comments - Do not post replies or comments under topics which bear the phrase 'No Comments' in their title or within the post. As the title suggests, it is not meant to be replied to. If you wish to comment or reply or thank the author, you may PM the author of the post or topic.

Posting Email Address/Personal Information of Actors -Accounts, email addresses and personal pictures/information of actors are not allowed to be posted or revealed unless they themselves give it. Also, posting your email address on open forum is not allowed - it really isn't safe!

Posting Articles - Before posting any article please check the first few pages or use the "Search" bar which is located in the right side of the forum, above the "My Last 10 Topic/Popular Topics" section, to make sure that it has not been posted before. Provide the source of the articles posted from other website. Articles that are from rival websites are not allowed to be posted on the forum. If any articles are posted that do not follow this line, they will be trashed. If we find a member posting several articles simultaneously, they will either be merged together or trashed if not following the rules. This is to avoid spamming of the forum and making it look untidy. Furthermore, TB articles are NOT to be posted in full in the forum. Only the link and short summary to be posted, otherwise the thread will be trashed and you may receive a warning.

Articles from Telly Chakkar are copyrighted and not meant to be share on IF. Posting articles from Indian Television and Telly Chakkar are not allowed on IF. Do not post articles from Telly Buzz directly on forum. Post only link to the article from Telly Buzz.

Emotions - Do not type message or post reply full of emotions only. Emotions are used to emphasize how you feel when words alone aren't enough. They serve as "add-ons" to your message BUT it doesn't mean that you are to type a whole line of Emoticons alone, without a single word or phrase (e.g. '')! Messages containing only emotions will be deleted.

Report Button: If instigating topics are not allowed nor do we appreciate members taking law in their hands and jump in the topics with their weapons to defend their favorites or keep reminding about using report button again and again. If anyone sees any comment/thread which is offending posted by someone, you will NOT take law into your own hands to teach a lesson to that person for insulting your favorite. That aggravates matters more and you also become liable for action for reacting thus. Instead you will simply make use of the "REPORT" button and report the thread by stating the reason clearly.

Please keep in mind moderators are also members. We would also like time to make our own posts. We also have our own lives and cannot be here 24/7. Please allow a reasonable time frame of at least 24 hours before escalating the issue and PMing a moderator. We try to address reports as soon as we can. Please avoid PMing the moderators unless the issue has been neglected for way too long or it is an extremely pressing matter. Instead of mass PMing it would appreciated if one person PM's the concern DT with regards to the issue.

The Dev Team hopes that all members are able to abide by the above rules for the betterment of the forum and to maintain peace.

Development Team issues: The DT is not allowed to disclose what we are doing with certain threads or what action we are taking so please don't try to make judgments on our decisions because we just don't go through the topics you guys report but through EVERYTHING in that particular thread. Just because we don't highlight step by step as to which action was taken against which member, it doesn't mean action wasn't taken. If you have a problem, PM the Dev Team members. Also once a DT member has posted a note on a thread regarding rule breaking, please refrain from further dragging the matter in the thread.

Edited by Artemisia - 8 years ago