Originally posted by: manzilmukul
Even if he does, he is larger than life. I would love him even if he walks into sunshine alone with his cigar, smiling from a distance, remembering all that could be, crying a tear in loneliness under a gulp of Scotch!
I have a different view ,
How much ever larger than life one is , at the end of the day he needs a partner, a companion, a lover, a wife, and a family to look back to, to fall back on. Life is not the same always even for larger than life characters , they need a family to be with him through thick and thin .
Walking away he has done , he made few things where in he realized and redeemed and apologized already . It's a clean slate now
He rightly deserves her love this time around, he should have the family which he yearns for , a wife whom he loves unconditionally with all his heart .
not into the sunshine, but he should walk into the dawn, in the morning sunlight, with his kids in PJs and him and his wife in tracks , his wife should chide him for smoking , they should laugh merrily , with tears of happiness and satisfaction and contentment and gulp a scotch in a lavish party on acquiring yet another company and reaching new heights of success with his wife by his side
A larger than life man need not be alone and need not be sacrificial .