Originally posted by: SnehaDoll
It doesn't matter how much fanbase KSG has. Prerna and Anurag will be seperated , only to unite for a short time to concieve Prem and Sneha.
That being said, I am not sure KSG is the right choice for Bajaj, but m willing to give him a chance.
Bajaj has always been EK's fave and she has given more than needed hints regarding how 2nd love can be more powerful than first, and how Anu-Pre will stand for each other but won't live together. Just hoping Anurag is not butchered for pairing Pre-Jaj!
Completely agree..hoping they wont degrade anurag more than they have already done .
Its so obvious that if she is casting ksg, he wont come as a mere third angle.of the triangle. Prerna falla in love with mr bajaj. What scares me more is the thought of anurag playing komolikas husband . I hope by then ..by then kya in a short while i quit this nonsence
Its.so difficult to figure out , alt balaji is also by ekta and their creations are so.much better..its not like she or her team dont know what creativity is , how a story should be presented how to balance between drama and entertainment . I recently saw broken , and dil hi toh hai..they were sòoooo so good..i just wish parth does some of these web series..