I am so very missing the jodi of OP.Loved the way the team work of Om and Parvati to defeat Trishna.I always wanted to watch them working together and would like to thank the creatives for fulfilling my wish.Oms acting of being onconcious when Trishna came to check whether he was there or not was great.👏.And the scene where Om brought the tea for Parvati and their conversations in that scene was so sweet.And OP scene at the last epi where Om says that there is a person who is perfest that is my Parvati❤️.I really miss OP.They were lots of ups and downs in their relationships but still they respected each other.The current track in Rajshri videos they have different opinions but still they are together.The scene in episode 321 where Parvati was crying and Om comes back to support her is one of my favourite OP scenes.Similarly another fav scene is the scene where they dance together and the song Main na Bhoolunga was playing in the background. The scene where Parvati gave the statement that Om killed Ajay so that he could get rid of his guiltyness is also touchy.👏