So the actr gives some insight to d new charc he is gonna play in d show so keeping all d assumptions of PPL tgt he is gonna play some lawyer of anugun or some random charc he clears tht he is gonna have love angle wid gg nd he even did mock shoot nd met the cast noiceeee
Anyways keeping everything aside I'm glad he clarified abt his charc so the left over audience who wanna still give chance wid a hope of Anubhav getting back will run @ the speed of light after manan exit nd never come back nd honestly after reading dis article I felt manan better exit permanently from dis toxic shit show nd never come back even if he comes back we as audience would have moved on completely till den nd vanku &menka bttr rot in hell
Nd in d end my only question how fastly GG is gonna move on wid other guy after anubhav demise ??or else dis actr is just bluffing ??