I stopped watching d show during d longest party in history.....n stopped getting updates after d revelation of true faces of kulshits.....
Wow what d hell happened to d show......They really had d audacity to call this a khorkuto remake......thank god I jumped ship early.....
We deserved better so did d actors....they are a talented bunch....the magic that we got to see n feel during d initial epis...
Maybe they show this was all a dream.....that Anubhav had after inhaling fumes at his lab.🤣 And we go back to where we were...wid d slate wiped clean....But this not going to happen....So all that is left is farewell...
It was a really short time wid u guys but it was fun n peaceful😊...no unnecessary tiffs between members coz of different opinions...👍🏼
U guys r a chill bunch....🤗😎
Take care❤️