Hello,It's Rimghim.Well my introduction is not that necessery as I hardly post but today after watching the episode I just couldn't stp myself..Not that I have never felt the injustice the judges does & their biasness with each episode, skyrocked.But today I was ashamed & what I have seen it was highly ridiculous.
Note : Before you read further & say that Im being favorable to someone so I'm not right,Tell me tell you very honestly,I dont have any particular favorite in the show.From Maher to Ankan.Rajit to Karan Khanna,I liked each one of them whenever they gave good performances.
Anyway so now coming to the point,
Ankan Sen-The wonder boy of JD,Who has got dance in his "kankan" Not that I'm denying that because he's actually a fab dancer.But what was so fab.about his dance tonight? What he actually did so amazing? FK herself said the steps were nothing sopt of "woh!Paheli baar dekha hai" it was all the ABC of disco or in a way same what Mithun da did in his "disco dancer" song..The only thing he did that was that stunt/move balancing on head. Other than that anything new?😕
She said he did it in his way,Oh comm'on now,that's the thing..now noone can dance like the other one right,all have different ways of showing their moves.
Now making it short & simple,Do you guys actually think he deserved to go on the semi-final with the highest point?
Karan Khanna was good.Deserved..I still have doubts on Surjeet..but Chalo it was an emotional act & Mouni did complemented him well,So okey.
But Rajit Dev.The guy,why I feel from past 2/3 episode,judges giving him "no comment" although he has been giving different & nice performances (Thats actually what my sister says & today I felt that as well)
I'm comparing Ankan with Rajit performance just because I feel Rajit's one was more difficult & nicely done than Ankan.Atleast that's what my heart said while watching..
I'm a Bengali as well & Today My told my maa that they are going to select semi-finalists today but when they declared Ankan as the 1st semi0finalist,She was like "Okke shoja winner e kano kore daina" mean "why don't they make them winner already"
They are bias.Towards Ankan. He's a good performer but that doesn't mean due to his very few good performances they have to overlook his current So-So once & contestant who were if not far but slightly better put into bottom 3.
By the way Abhas Rocked the challenge round.He was at hid best.
I'd like to read your views without any snide remarks & bashing.Say what you actually felt not being "A fan" just being a viewer of "dance"