If you take a loan and buy house for your parents that's nice...you did it because may be your parents need it or just you want to give a respect to your parents like that...
That's your personal matter...I don't think you need to do shoe off like this on the public website how mucch money you spend on your parents...
No offence...sorry if you fell insulted
Ps: don't drag personal life and parents in the discussion that also feel insulted... Doesn't matter they are star or not...at the end of the day they are human just like us...
P am not die heart sanaya fan and I don't hate Faisal ...
Originally posted by: ktiluvu
i taken loan and buyed a house to my parents, not like ur sanaya irani who is a selfish daughter and don't share her money with her parents poor sanaya parents, and some sanaya fans are acting too smart that if we buy houses to our parents then we love them it is not like that but ur sanaya can buy many houses to her parents but why she didn't buy it