Hello Dear Mitrams. We are back again 🤣. So r u ready to grill our Third Mitram?? 😛 I know u guys are waiting for that. 😉😎
So lets not waste any more time n here's introducing our Third Mitram of the Week. Get set go... 😉
Silent members, this is good opportunity to know all better and also become good mitram to all. Who knows some day u too can be on hot seat 😉🤣
So setting our bak bak aside, Welcoming our Third Mitram of the Week. 😎
She is IF Rockerz 😛
She is active member of the forum. 😎
She is crazy fan of Gia 😉
She comes up with some good topics. 😊
She is a Home Maker. 😉
Any guesses by now??? I know u guys are smart enough to guess. 😉
She is none other than...
Ramasuresh78 😈
Wohooo Did u guess this 😆😛??? Congratulations 😈👏
Here is the siggy, do use it to flaunt ur special status all this week and get grilled 😉😛
Direct Link - http://i.minus.com/ibfwK9Y5aKNXsI.jpg
Siggy Credits Anu (anu93)
The seat isn't hot until u get grilled 🤣
So get ready for the hot seat. 😈
Here are few to get started
Real Name
Reason behind that username??? 😛
How did u get started on IF?
Fav. Section on IF
Best buddies on IF
Fav. color
Fav movie
Fav Actors
Fav Actress
Fav Cusine
Fav Dress/attire
Fav drink
Fav Food item
Fav Book
Character u like most in JAJ
Reason for watching JAJ 😛
So Mitrams, lets start the grilling now 😉
Swetha & Tanya
on behalf of