There is sheer politics happening in this show, Soumya' elimination, Vibhor's elevation getting 2 POD awards consequently without awesome Mausam for mediocre songs ignoring the better singers in the Papa special no promos of Nitin in the Papa special which was the best performance, Manish suddenly treating Vibhor with respect whereas he manhandles Salman, insults Nitin for his mandir upbringing. mocks Kunal and treats Neelanjana like a dumb kid. Why this sudden respect for Vibhor ??
Nitin seemed under some kind of tension yest his scarf was missing as well as his usual alaap, Salman is also not performing to his potential lsince a couple of weeks . Ankush is never challenged he always sings in his comfort zone yest he sang 3 songs, the challenge was only for Avanti, Saumya and Nitin. Kunal's voice does not rise above the music which is coolly ignored songs of praise for yest what about Saturday ? What is this age factor that is consistently spoken about regarding Neelanjana all the good singers arrive at this age like Geeta Dutt, Sunidhi , Shreya.
Vishal is a politician attracting politics wherever he goes, Neha is not even worth being called a singer forget being a judge.