This! There are so many scenes where she doesn't have the bangles on, and then poof they appear when Aryan enters the scene, and like you said the cinematography is beyond. It's so damn beautiful.Originally posted by: libran90
Is it me, or I am the only nut job obsessed with the sound of bangles and the way Imlie's dupatta flies whenever an AryLie scene happens?
Whenever she moves her hand, her bangles always make a prominent sound, just like when Aryan took her hand and walked out of the office. And the other is Imlie's dupatta. The way it always floats, especially when Aryan caught it when Imlie was being molested and today when they were outside the hut.
I just feel the cinematography in these scenes is subtle and beautiful. Considering the shoddy storytelling, visually sometimes these people do nail it.