Hey friends,
Congrats on new forum! ⭐️
We would appreciate if everyone took the DTs permission before posting any important threads - that way it is fair to everyone. We will be trashing threads posted without our permission!
Topics like archive mansion will be created by the section DT. Update archives, appreciation threads (ATs), contests, games of the week, members intro corner, creation gallery, help desk, picture gallery etc. - for such threads, please seek permission from the GMs (Aahaana or *Shruti*).
For now members can volunteer to open the following: chat thread, creation gallery, photo gallery, ATs, intro thread, help desk, GOTW, DOTW and WU sign up sheets.
Promotional signature contest, banner contest and member of the week will be given to those who are active and contribute in the forum.
We hope for everyone's co-operation :)