Engagement Ring Track - Part 2
Another episode dedicated to the engagement ring.
Ishu has planned to get the ring. Ishu has made tea for everybody. She insists Mahi should come and have her cup. She says you have to get used to being look after as you will be going to a big house. Dadi is very pleased and says ever since Mahi is engaged you are talking sensible. Dadi also insists to mahi that since you are here for a short time now, you enjoy your days.
Ishu deliberately puts the blue liquid on all the clothes.Dadi and Mahi rush to her help. Dadi scolds Ishu. Mahi stops dadi saying she was only trying to help me. They make more soapy water for rewash. mahi puts her hand - Ishu manages to get the ring and pass it on to DM. After all the havoc is dealt with, dadi notices Mahi's ring is missing. Both dadi and Mahi are besides themselves with worry. Ishu and DM also pretend to be worried. Mahi wants to tell the Mansinghs what happened. Phone rings, Dm receives it.Its SD. Mahi talks to SD and tries to say about the ring, but Dadi stops. SD talks about fixing wedding dates soon. Dadi says to mahi. we not only have to inform about the missing ring, we have to replace it at our cost. Everybody is shocked. DM says its an expensive ring it may cost few lakhs. Poor Dadi is sitting and doing some accounts in her head about the money. DM again comes with a dumb idea of replacing it with imitation. She gets shouted by Dadi. To hide one mistake you want us to lie and cheat. Is this what you want this children to learn. Ishu is dismayed a bit. Dadi says to Mahi - we wil tell the truth I won't let you lose your respect because of this incident.
Sahil is sitting in his room sad. Ishu calls. She is very happy and tells him to meet her immediately. Mahi comes to Mansingh house ( Precap Scene) She asks for Dadi but is told that she has gone to office. mahi says okay I will meet her there. She is about to go and sees Sahil. She apologises to Sahil and tells him about losing the ring.
Ishu meets Sahil on a date. An Ishil hug. Sahil says lets stop this drama, I hate coming to see you hiding from anyone. Ishu again discourages him from talking like that. She says yesterday you did a false engagement to the wrong girl with a real ring. Now correct that and get engaged with me with this ring. Sahil is shocked to see the ring in her hand and remembers Mahi's worried words of apology.
Precap - Sahil is scolding ishu saying she was wrong. Does she have any idea how worried and distressed her Dadi and sister are about the ring. Ishu is shocked at his reaction.
After today , I see a ray of hope friends Ishu will be mended by Sahil, I think, fingers and toes crossed!!