Best Spice in India - Page 2


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prabhudx thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Spices are an integral part of the biryani and are used in a variety of ways. They add to the flavour and fragrance of the dish. There are many spices that can be used in biryani, but cumin seeds, black pepper, cinnamon sticks, cloves and cardamom pods are some of the most common. The spices used in biryani can vary depending on region or country. For example, if you go to Hyderabad for biryani, you’ll find that there is more emphasis on using red chilli powder as opposed to black pepper. This is because it goes well with their local cuisine. But if you want the best usage of Indian spices in biryani, place your Behrouz online order now.

Order Biryani Online From:- EatSure

1254629 thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: AlfredoWoolum

For spicy chicken, you may use Turmeric powder, chili powder, Coriander powder, and many more spices.

Recently I made the Spicy Chicken Broast using these three listed spices and it was of great taste.

Wow maybe I should forward these ingredients to my chef
