Teachers are the God that we respect and love after our parents. They are the reason that we grow up to be our BEST. If there wouldn't have been a teacher, engineers, doctors, pilots, chefs, nobody would have been, what they are today. But nowadays a lot of people doesn't prefer to be a Teacher due to a lot of issues or they are leaving the jobs within a few years.
We are conducting a survey research on the teachers to see what are the factors that are affecting their choices. We have chosen 3 basic factors; health related quality of life, satisfaction and personality traits of school teachers to see the impact of these in teacher's lives. A number researches has already been done on teachers but still, there are a very few researches done on these factors. By this survey research we will try to work on these factors. Kindly fill this assessment form:
Do share it with your known school teachers
P.S. This form is only for School Teachers