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Posted: 15 years ago
Quick Gun Murugun is an unlikely Superhero with Guntastic powers. He is a sincere South Indian Cowboy who considers it his duty to serve and protect. The movie revolves around mis-adventures of Quick Gun Murugun and his fight with his arch villain Rice Plate Reddy! Quick Gun Murugun enters into an epic battle that spans time and space, from a small South Indian village to Swarglok and then finally to a cosmopolitan Mumbai. He is torn between Mango Dolly who loves him secretly and his first love Locket Lover and his loyalty is put to the test.

Some links:
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/quickgunmurugun09

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/quickgunmurugun

Twitter: http://twitter.com/quickgunmurugan

Blog: www.quickgunmurugun09.blogspot .com

Website: www.quickgunmurugun.com