hahahah that's Johnny probably up to something.
hahahah that's Johnny probably up to something.
the problem with the English language is exactly this. This story is told by the sister. And it will probably be exciting.
waiting for someone to meet. He's Johnny after all. I hope he doesn't do something stupid.
sisters always know everything about their brothers.
However, Tamara is a beautiful girl.
Tamara arrives and Johnny can't speak. hahahah what a scene.
hahahah this was funny. Tamara had such an immediate influence on Johnny. Johnny's sister could only laugh at Johnny's reaction.
Johnny never listens to what doesn't interest him.
exactly like that. Finally a girl who can answer everything to Johnny.
Because of the girls who saw him as a very handsome guy and not as smart and cultured. Johnny only respected his mother and sister. The other girls were just for fun for him.