ARSHI FF - HIT WICKET MY HEART 3.0 - Take 44-Pg.51(10.5.22) - Page 2


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Posted: 3 years ago

Hellooooo Guysssssssss....

Hope you and your family all are Safe and Sound amidst the rising Covid Tsunami in India. Stay in and Stay Safe - Guysss!!

And Yup here I am with the next update - of HW3.0 and yes it is the First Meet Update.(winks)

Word Count - Short/Medium Length - 5.7K Words.

Taking some hours off to just Write this Out finally has truly been my Respite in taking my Mind Off - Everything Covid! And I truly hope - that you are able to experience some distraction and entertainment through the Story Too.

Will be Eager to know your feedback on the Same!

Thank you so very much guys* Infinity for all your Support to my Work till now!

Also, yes this is the First Draft. Please definitely ignore editing/common repition of words errors etc - since I have not proofread.

And I shall now let you all dive in without Further Delay.


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Text Copyright©mysticaltales11111™2020

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TAKE 2 - The Fast Track Lane

At - The Thorpe Park

At - The Thorpe Park

11:30 AM

Khushi's POV

Now that I'v finally reached my Destination for the Day, which is the Thorpe Park(an amusement park located in the village of Thorpe between the towns of Chertsey and Staines upon- Thames in Surrey, which is located at a distance off about 18 miles away from Home) - I can't help but feel a little bit more at ease already and smile to myself as I pace up in my strides towards the - Ticket Counter.

Now just in case if you are all wondering why I'v chosen this very spot for the day - I shall give you a brief context.

Call me crazy - but this is just my thing. This is the way - I like to vent out all my hidden angst without bothering/weighing down anyone else in the process. Every-time I feel weighed down and want to take some exclusive Me -Time to vent it out - I just come here. Preferably on a WeekDay(because it's going to be less crowded) - and all Alone.

It's my go to - place.

For other's this maybe like any other amusement park - but for me - it's my safe haven - where I can just scream my Lungs Out.(A reason why in my head - I'v kind of shifted the syllables in its name and I sometimes do refer to it as My Self Therapy Park - too).

Now - wait.

Before you all start thinking - that I am the crazy weirdo who starts acting like a Screaming Machine the minute I step into the Park - I shall tell you - that - No - that is not what I do. I wait for that bit off it to begin - until I sit on the Rides obviously. As in - I sit on rides/rollercoasters - and then switch on the button to my screaming my angst out machine - and it works perfectly for me without adding to any backend worry!

As in - I do not have to worry about anyone wondering as to why I am screaming the way I am for two reasons obviously. First - because well mostly everyone around me on the ride is doing the same thing. Second - no one can actually even suspect the fact that whilst they are screaming out of fun and thrill - I am the crazy weirdo sitting next to them screaming my bottled up heavy Angst Out! And all of the above just works as the Perfect Cover.

So a couple of points to be Noted - First - I think Mum + all of my closest friends obviously know that I love coming to the Thorpe Park and even though I think at the back of their head they are aware that I come here for self-coping mechanism - I do like to also add in the element in front of them - that I love to come here because I am such a passionate freak for elements of Animation - which is also the Truth anyway.

I mean - guys- I am sure you all agree that Amusements park are just a great example of so many elements of Animation coming to Life as in - in the terms of the themes/designs/graphics/ambience etc. So mostly - after I am done with the share of my screaming bit - and start feeling a lot better - I just stroll around on leisure observing and perceiving the smaller - different elements of Animation in place! I love to stroll around the family/kids rides areas too - for it's also little part of my professional dream to be able to conceptualise a SuperHit Animated/Cartoon Show for Kids(hopefully as successful as Peppa Pig etc )- apart from all the Gaming Graphics/Animation that I aim to bring to Life.


Also - I was here just about twelve weeks and eight weeks ago too.Twelve weeks ago - I did spot up an article online(in my usual google search spree on Dad) on a portal of a Pakistan Media online handle about Dad's wife's passing! The one whom Dad was married too after his break up with Mum for 25 Years! The article said that she passed battling Cancer - and at the time when I spotted the pic of Dad and my half-brother in mourning - all I wanted to do was just take it up to Mum and tell her about it.


I really don't know.(Maybe because a part of my heart that aches for her - wanted to suggest her to just get in touch with Dad to offer condolences about the same with the hope that it could maybe eventually lead to some development of a form of communication in between of them again - perhaps?)

But I did not act on it obviously - as in nor did I show Mum the article nor did I ask her if she was aware about the same - because I fear hurting her in anyway with the same obviously. I also feared that what if she thought that its super insensitive and selfish of me to even suggest the same to her? Plus I don't really know if my thought was insensitive/selfish or something - it was just a natural thought. Just like every normal human - I do have some crazily irrational thoughts obviously which I don't necessarily end up acting on. So in that moment twelve weeks ago - I just came here instead - and Vented all of my conflicted thoughts out in the form of - Screams. And eight weeks ago - because - I definitely just had to come here and scream my baggages off initial shock + shades of deep hurt over Rob dumping me in the ways he did.

Also yes - I think most of you have already guessed that when I usually come here - the major portion of the Angst Venting has everything to do with the emotional situation with Mum and Me with regards to Dad but this time around I also aim to scream my lungs out in order to try to vent out some more parts of the leftover hurt with regards to Rob. Its because of the crazy screaming my lungs out previously that I was able to process and comes to terms with the initial shock of it all.

Also - before you all think - that I am a crazy adventurer junkie - I need to mention - that - No - I most surely am not. I do not sit on the craziest scariest roller coasters! I do not have the Guts to do that. So instead I sit - on all the Medium thrill rides and just pretend in my head that I were sitting on the most scariest ones - in terms of the intensity of my Screams. That's all.


Hold Up Guys.

Gotta pause on the Inner Rant because I am just seconds away from the Fast Track Pass Ticket Counter( it's the one I always get for it allows me to cover all the Medium thrill rides in the day for there's a different lane alloted just for that! And if you are a single rider it's even more convenient and quick.) I am glad that the counter seems to have No Que and I can easily spot the attendant with his head dipped into his phone and scrolling.(He's probably just chilling on Instagram)And to be honest- if I were in his place I'd probably just be chilling on The Gram too!

Just as I am about to the step in front of the counter - I notice a man come stand in - right next to me(outta the blue as if he literally popped outta thin air from behind me making a move upfront faster than me by a second) but we both end up saying out loud at the same time- "A fast track pass for the day..please...."

The attende behind the counter looks up instantly and he keeps his phone aside and says with a smile - " sure...which one of you was first??"

Just because I'v come here to vent out my angst - I a'int going to forget to be Polite. This weirdly dressed man is surely the one who reached up the counter a second faster than me.I called him weirdly dressed - because he's got his face masked up plus he has a Cap on. The attende can probably just see his eyes- which is why I can totally notice the attende scanning him(the man) skeptically too. Anyways it's not my business - to think why someone's dressed in a weird MaskCap Version.

I take a slight step back courteously as I say - "technically he was here a second prior - you should process his transaction first..,"and I gesture the man to step forward and to my surprise he adds in next gesturing me to step forward first turning to look at me sideways and answers politely with a casual shrug- " well technically - I just managed to pace pass you but you go in first.."


I was right.

One can only see his Eyes. To his credit - he's got a Striking pair off Chocolate brown earthy eyes.

I ask(trying to be polite and not try to give my sceptical assumption over his get up away) - " are you sure?? I am in no rush - I'v got all day here..a delay of a minute won't harm.."

His eyes dance with amusement as I feel his gaze scan my face for a second and he answers politely next mirroring my words back to me - " exactly my point too - I am in no rush - I'v got all day here too..a delay of a minute won't harm.."

The attende looks to and fro in between of us and he asks - "have you decided which one of you is coming up first??"

The MaskCap Dude (because I have no idea what else to call him) gestures me to go upfront politely again as he says casually - " come on - go up then's just the two of us anyway..."

I nod at him politely as I answer - " thank you so much..,"and I get on with purchasing my Fast Track Pass for the Day.

He's got a deep voice actually. I don't know if it's his original tone or it's a voice/tone affect because of the Crazy Mask up his face.Also strangely enough - all my scepticism around his get up seems to convert into an amusement of some sort.I kinda feel like biting back on my mirth because it would be totally rude to take digs in any way whatsoever at a Stranger's get Up.

Once my transaction is complete and the attende hands my fast track pass + band and I turn sideways to let the Man come forward - and to my surprise I hear him add with a chuckle as he wedges his elbow on the counter casually and turns sideways to look at me - " you can laugh if you want you know - there is no need to bite back on your mirth..I know I look weird and you surely must think I am crazy for masking my face this way for a day out at an amusement park..."


How did he just read through the hidden shades of my Mirth like that? Was it that obvious in my body language?


I don't think so.

I was totally trying to be indifferent and polite.

Didn't Work. Clearly.But he didn't sound like he'd take offense to my assumption which is why strangely enough I do end up breaking into a smile as he leans forward to go about purchasing his fast track pass and I answer - " for the record ...I wasn't the one to say it said in you graciously acknowledged that you do look crazyily weird..."

He expresses a little more than a chuckle effortlessly and he looks sideways towards me and he shrugs in a casual mischevious way - " I know go on - you can laugh a little if you want - and I shall take no offense whatsoever - I hear they say that it's good to begin your day with a little laugh at the ticket counter of an amusement park..."

I can't help but chuckle at that as I answer - " they really say that now??"

He nods and his eyes continue to glint mischeviously - " oh yes...totally..they do...and wait...just checking..I hope you haven't coined me as a freak in your head because of my get up though..or have you??"

My eyes widen a little at that as I answer politely - " haven't ...why would I do that..that would be totally rude...and uncalled am sure you have your reasons.."

He nods and I feel his amused gaze scan my face again - " oh yes I totally do and that is this season of the common flu in your country. I have an important work assignment starting in a couple of days and I do not want to catch the common cold..."

Well - he is right about that.It is the Flu Season.

I nod - " yes..I know what you mean which is why most of us get the flu shot regularly. But given that you said - your country - I reckon you are a tourist perhaps?"

He nods and offers his cash up for the transaction to the attende behind the counter - " could say that..I am tourist..I'm here for work for a while..."

I nod and give him a polite smile - " alrighty..anyways...I'll get going now...thanks for letting me go have a good day..."

He nods and even though I can't see his face I can totally sense he's smiled back given the ways his eyes twitched as he answers - " no worries at too...have a good day..."

And I walk away - making my way in adjusting my backpack on my shoulders with an amused smile marking my lips.


Authors Note - ATTACHING the look! PLEASE imagine Arnav with a fuller face mask + cap with only his eyes showing clearly!

Authors Note - ATTACHING the look! PLEASE imagine Arnav with a fuller face mask + cap with only his eyes showing clearly!



Seven Minutes Later

Arnav's POV

I am sure you'v all labelled me pretty crazy in the Head by now given that you now have a guess on the crazy fun ways - I like to vent my anxiety out.

But - that's just how I roll. It's just my thing.I like to sit on rollercoasters and yell the hell of my gaming anxiety out. To be Honest - I do this everytime it's possible for me to do this - as in if we are touring a country and I am in the middle of experiencing some gaming anxiety prior to games - I just google my way to the nearest theme park (if there is one in the vicinity that could be visited as per a Day Out )- get myself under disguise - and have a Day off Me-Time Out.(If I don't find a theme park around - then I just head to a Gaming Arcade- instead and play a lot of 3D shooting games and in my head - I just pretend that I am just shooting all of my anxiety away.)

But it's so much more Funner to tackle my anxiety this way in the Theme Park. It's not a traditional way but hey - Who says - self therapy/me time - has to always just be traditional? As long as it works - it can be as outta the box for anyone as in to each their own. But to be honest - I really haven't come across anyone else on this planet - who uses this as a coping mechanism yet. Akash (my twin) likes to crack a joke on this though - he say's - - the day I meet someone who has as crazy as this - a coping mechanism as me - the Sun shall rise from the West then.



I just have this Insane love for Amusement Park/RollerCoasters/Rides/WaterSlides - ever since I was a Kid.(Apparently that has not changed - nor is it going too. But yup the only thing that's changed ever since I have started playing professionally for India is the bit - where in - I only sit on the Medium thrill Rides - because it's my contract to not indulge in any crazy thrill that could result in an sort of a sudden jerk/back injury or something.And I am just very careful about that myself too - so I just sit on the Rollercoasters and rides that do not put me on the risk of any Injury.)


On that note - now that I have strolled my way in - into the Entrance of Thorpe Park, I think I need to get my hand on a Map of the place and chalk out the Rides that are going to safe for me to indulge in(Since it's my first time coming to the Thorpe Park. I'v been to a couple of other theme parks around the UK this way though in the years gone by.)

I spot a Huge Smart Information Screen - a little upfront with some Maps Stocked up in a wedge underneath and I begin to walk up there.(Dude - as much as I love technology I kind of have to admit that on moments like these - I'd fancy the good old concierge service at the information desk with an actual person behind the desk to talk too and seek help)

Oh Wait.


My Wish has been answered.

Because as I near this Smart Self Help Screen - amidst the little groups of some people crossing across - I spot Her standing right there - fidgeting with the Screen with her head dipped into an Open Map in front of her Face.

Her - who?

The pretty mysterious girl - who I bumped into at the Fast-Track Ticket Counter. I referred to her as that because for starters - hell yeah - she's really pretty - as in there's just something so magnetic about her Face. Second - she's got a set of mysterious eyes for sure you know like the ones that have so much depth and kind off want to give away much more but she won't let it.

How did I jump to the latter conclusion in my head? Because I obviously spotted her first - walking upto the ticket counter from the side across from where I was walking towards it and she was legit lost in such a deep thought on her way to the counter - that one could easily say that she was all caught up in her very own bubble.(Which is why she probably didn't even spot me walking up from across and probably thought that I appeared outta the blue from behind her. On that note - I kinda did race pass her by a second from behind for Fun Reasons. As In you know how were both heading to the same place at the same pace and I just wanted to see if I could beat her to that first spot. I technically did but I did let her have her way first nonetheless because - hey even though I am competitive - I am the polite+friendly+courteous gentleman. Also - by the time we actually got into a little conversation - she was in such a casual amused mode - which kind of made me wonder - was it the same her - who was lost in her deep in thought bubble just a second ago- and all of that just added to the elements of a little mystery in my head.

Anyway - I am glad that our chatter made her smile a little though. She has a nice smile. The one that radiates and shines over. After she walked away ,I did wonder why she wasn't her smiling self - during that walk to the counter prior though?



You can wonder more on that later - as of now you need to step up and probably ask her for Help.

I walk up to her from behind now and I fold my hands across my chest taking my spot right next to her and I say looking at her sideways - " hello...we meet maybe it's okay for me to say this out in front off you...say what if you must wonder? Wait.. I'll just go ahead and say it - I mean no offense to technology...but why don't they have the traditional help desk-s with actual people behind the counter anymore. As much I love the evolution of technology but sometimes nothing can beat the charm of a good old human touch - right? I mean that is just my humble opinion. What would your's be on the same context??"

She looks up at me sideways instantly and her lips curve into a little smile - " yup...we meet again...,"and she nods and continues -" and well... since you asked for my opinion on the latter...I must admit that I kind off agree with you on that.As interactive as these smart screens are - a human touch in the case of help supercedes in element...obviously..."

I chuckle - "I know this is exactly where I say - great minds think alike.."

She chuckles at that and folds the map in her hand and turns sideways in her spot to look at me straighter - "I think I'd say a thanks to the latter for sure I mean I do like to presume that I'v gota a great mind.."

I nod with a playful wink - " so do I..."

She chuckles - "so...anyway... I reckon you need some help? Given that you were looking for a human help-desk??"

I nod - " yup since this is my first time here - I need a little help- with figuring out as to how can I go about covering up this entire place before its closing time at 5pm. I mean I do have the fast track - plus am a single rider too so that's sorted but I just need to figure out the spots of all the medium scale thrill in you know the most convenient way through which I can cover all of those for sure..."

She shoots me an amused look mixed with shades of puzzlement - "wait..what? are you saying that you just wana sit on all the medium scale thrill rides too??"

The Amused Puzzled look - makes her eyes Twinkle with crazy shades of puzzlement for a bit before she pulls the Mysterious-Let's not-let my-eyes-give-away-too-much-curtain - on them again.

I pick on the context of her 'too' immediately nonetheless and I ask - " wait...what? is that what you are going to do too??just sit on the medium scale thrill rides??"

She nods totally amused with her casual cover up on her eyes - " strange a co-incidence this is...that's exactly what I do when I come yup...I could totally help you with figuring out the way to do just that...,"and she steps up a little front in front of the screen and starts working it up to explain the context of the different themed areas of the park and as to how I could get the best of my day here and I listen on keenly absorbing everything that she is telling me with a concentrated nod and five- seven minutes later once she is done guiding me with her help - I say on reflex - " okay - so seems like you know this place by the back of your come here often I presume??"

She nods at me politely and shrugs casually - " yeah you could say that - I come here quite fact I remember the directions around to everything clearly..was just checking up on something else within my map and reconfirming it with the yeah..and..wait...I think there's something else that might help you know just in case...,"and she hands me the map that she had in her hand and she states politely - " go on..take my's my old regular map of the entire park that I keep handy in my backpack when I come here - but I don't really need it - you can use it - infact I'v kind off circled all the medium scale thrill rides in there + some of my go to eateries around with my pen too..."


This is really very kind and helpful of her - Indeed.

I ask again before taking the map from her hand - " are you sure that you don't need it??"

She nods instantly - " yup...I don't...don't worry about it...I can totally just stock myself up with another regular map with markings later's your first time here - not mine - this shall be of more help to you for sure..."

I nod and I take it from her hand and I say - " thanks a ton - you do know that this is superkind and cool of you - don't you? I mean - no one has the time to pause and help usually and let alone help someone who is probably coming across as a freaky dude anyway.."

She chuckles at that as she says - " once again - I didn't say did...and you are welcome..."

I nod - grinning. She can't see my grin though because its covered by the mask but I am sure my eyes give me away and she's caught on to the fact that I am smiling.

We turn around and begin to walk away from the smart screen and I open up the map in my hand and I begin to study it and I ask - " so if you don't mind me asking - are you going the same route off the rides as I am??"

She answers by pointing her index finger over the map in my hand as we continue walking - " nope...I am kind of going the other way round the park actually - for some of my favourite rides begin from the other end..."

I nod instantly - "alrighty...,"and I pause as we come closer around this huge rollercoaster and we can totally hear the crazy screams of everyone up riding it and I grin as I look up towards the rollercoaster on reflex as I admit looking at her sideways(and I end up soaking up the image of her grinning looking up at the rollercoaster too.She's got a beautiful grin) - " know what? I'd just love to sit on that and experience it - but I can't given that my job doesn't allow me to risk any sort of thrill that could give me a jerk/back injury..."

She looks at me sideways and admits grinning casually - " really? too bad for you given that you actually want to sit on it. I mean at times I think I do want to be able to sit on that one - its literally one of the craziest thrill ride in all of UK - but no - I don't have the guts to do yeah.."

"The reason maybe different but looks like we both just gotta stick to the medium scale thrills for now..," I add with a polite sincere nod and she smiles in acknowledgement of the same and I continue after - " hey...look...I'd like to thank you once again for your help - I mean all thanks to you - now I can straight jump into yelling and venting all my work anxiety out in the form of crazy screams on the rides without any further delay..."

The minute I say that her eyes widen into the size of cup and saucers in surprise and I nod in acknowledgement as I say - " I know..I know..might sound crazy...but it literally works as the perfect cover to vent out what's weighing me down - no one even suspects what I am upto - which just makes it all the more fun for a coping mechanism...,"I finish with a playful pause and I notice that her eyes continue to widen a lot more added with a lot more shock to it too and I ask - "okay - now you are surely in the middle of labelling me as a freak ....aren't you??"

She shakes her head in an instant - No - and once again pulls that Mystery Curtain over her eyes and she says her lips now curving into a puzzled smile - " wasn't in the middle of doing that at all...I was just surprised and shocked at hearing you say what you did...because...I'v never met anyone - who does the same...I mean I'v spent years thinking to myself - that maybe I am the only crazy one who goes about screaming on medium thrill rollercoaster and rides - as a way of a coping strange as this coincidence gets...I kind of understand what you mean..."

I gape at her in surprise - " wait...what...really?you do the same? Which is why you understand??"

She nods sincerely.

Dude - Guys - This is Amazing in the sense if I were to quote Akash's words in my head. The Sun has risen from the West.Today. I have finally met someone - who understands where I am coming from with regards to my crazy ways of venting out - and is not cracking a joke over it - after.

I admit - "okay seriously - I could totally say the same that here I'v thought the same for years - that I am the only crazy one who does this..."

She chuckles - " clearly you can most surely note that you aren't the only crazy one...for sure.."

I nod - "and the knowledge of the same makes me feel good..already..for sure..."

We end up sharing a warm comfortable chuckle and I spot her fidgeting with the strings of her backpack on her shoulders - (Which kind of give me a signal that she's probably wanting to head on her way soon) - and I don't know why all of a sudden I feel like I wana make her stay for just a little while more so I ask next - instantly - before she can say something - " so...I'm totally going to be yelling some anxiety related to my work out - if you don't mind me asking - what is that you are wanting to vent out?"

She answers with a casual shrug - "no I don't mind you asking...and let's just say - I'll just be working out on venting out some stuff that's been on the back of my mind since morning...,"she finishes with a tinge of angst clouding up her eyes for a second which she masks instantly and begins to fidget with her backpack strings by lookin gup at the Huge Rollercoaster - again.


Some Stuff.

A Gut intuition tells me this - Some Stuff - is why she was all lost deep in thought prior while walking to the ticket counter.Also. The Ambigious way in which she used the word - Some Stuff - surely relates to something personal in terms of that Angst she covered up in her eyes. I'v always been perceptive and this very minute I can totally figure out that she's got her guards up and is trying to spring a curtain over her Angst - yet again - which means the minute I ask anything more on the same - she will flee at the speed of light.

I say next sure that the sincerity was evident in my voice - " I understand...hey...listen...I hope that you are able to do the same and that you feel better soon in terms off all the venting out...also in the process just don't be too hard on yourself - it's okay to not feel okay..."

She does not flee at that obviously in that given second and shoots me a sincere smile+ nod - " thank you so much for that...I will remember that.....and I hope that you feel better after venting out all of your work anxiety too.."

And because I felt like I wanted to see that radiant beautiful grin of her's one more time I say - " but before I say you have a good day and we head our ways - you gotta taleast high-five me in a way of a toast to screaming our lungs out for the rest of the day...I mean - as strange as the coincidence is - it is a first time - we'v both met someone who instantly understands the dynamics of the same.."

She grins naturally at that and she nods - "yeah - I think a high-five is surely - fair enough...,"and we both end up sharing up a warm chuckle with an added high-five -and she says after with an effortless smile - " you too have a good day MaskC.....,"and she pauses and I ask instantly - " wait..what?was that? MaskC..and why did you pause..."

She chuckles amused as she admits - "it's just the first name that came to my mind when I spotted you in the ticket line..alright? that was before you said - that you wana protect yourself from the flu...and I paused because it was a slip of my tongue and you don't need to know it...for its totally weird..."

I chuckle - " really? is it now? maybe that's precisely why I need to know it...go on tell me - I wont take any offense I promise..."

She nods as she raises her hands to her sides in defence playfully - " you asked - so - here I go - I addressed you as the MaskCap Dude in my know..given your Mask and Cap..."

She whatttttttttt?

I burst into a spits of laughter immediately.

The MaskCap Dude.

No one's ever called me That.

I am in the middle of my laugh when she says rolling her eyes a tad bit embarrassed - " it's funny...I know...I hope I haven't offended you though..."

I shake my head controlling my laughter - " no you haven't in anyway whatsoever - alright - it's just funny...that's all.."

She chuckles and nods - " I know..okay...then..i'll get going now...bbye...have a good day MaskCap Dude...,"and she waves me a casual bye.

I nod at her in acknowledgement of the same and wave back at her and she quickly turns around and begins to head in the direction totally opposite from mine - leaving me standing with an amused smile still curved up my lips.

This is going to go down as - One of the Most intriguing encounter's - in my Books for sure. I turn around and begin to walk up my way and about 60 seconds later I pause.


Because - hell - I just realised that I didn't even ask her - her actual name.

I turn around and pace back to where I was - 60 seconds ago- to look out for her - but she seems to have sped away as my eyes can't trace her in the furtherest line of my vision across.

I open up Her Map in my Hand nonetheless now - and resume to go about my business with a smile up my face.

Why a Smile? Because it's her very map that's telling me - that even though we'v head in opposite directions for now - there are great chances that there's going to be a point of intersection of our ways in and around the Fast Track Lane of a couple off rides in the area - that is marked to be - the Middle of The Park - in a couple of hours from now.

And I don't know why - but there's a part at the back of my Head that finds itself - kinda Hoping to Just Run into Her Again.



How was That for an OffBeat first encounter Guys?Did any of you anticipate that they'd be meeting this way? At an amusement park???Let me know.

Also yes - ofcourse they are totally going to run into each other again and the second part of this first day meet shall come in the next update..(Winkssss)

Next Update(will post Tomm) : Take 2.1 : Candy Floss.

Until Then - Please take care and Stay Indoors and Safe guys!!!!

Thanks Guys for all the Support and your Precious Time to my Work!

Much Love




coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Amusement park as therapy. Thats an idea.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Who is that stranger walking up next to her? Must be our man in blue.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

They already have one crazy trait in common. Screaming off their anxiety on rides.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

The girl meets the MaskCap Dude. And he wants to run into her again.

mysticltales111 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 3 years ago

Hellooooo Guysssssssss....

Hope you and your family all are Safe and Sound amidst the rising Covid Tsunami in India. Stay in and Stay Safe – Guysss!!🙏🙏🙏🙏

And Yup here I am with a back to back update off HW3.0 given that I did end up going on a Writing Spree for most parts of the Day!👩‍💻👩‍💻👩‍💻👩‍💻😉😉😉😉(and yes it's the extended first meet – update – winks)

Word Count – Medium-Long Length – 7.8K Words.

Taking some hours off to just Write this Out finally has truly been my Respite in taking my Mind Off – Everything Covid!🙏 And I truly hope – that you are able to experience some distraction and entertainment through the Story Too.

Will be Eager to know your feedback on the Same!

Thank you so very much guys* Infinity for all your Support to my Work till now!

Also, yes this is the First Draft. Please definitely ignore editing/common repition of words errors etc – since I have not proofread.

And I shall now let you all dive in without Further Delay.


Copyright Disclaimer :

Text Copyright©mysticaltales11111™2020

The Moral Right of the Author has been asserted. All Rights Reserved. This Story is published subject to the condition that it shall not be reproduced or transmitted/distributed in whole or in part, in any manner, whether in electronic or in hard copy, without the written consent of the author, and any infringement of this is a violation of Copyright Law.

All Rights Reserved® mysticaltales11111


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TAKE 2.1 – Candy Floss

Same Day – At The Thorpe Park

A Little Over Three Hours Later

A Little Over Three Hours Later

3:10 PM

Khushi's POV

I chuckle to myself a little as I pause in my tracks for just a second and I kind off rotate my phone around to show Maya and Sarah up the crazy fun ride I am about to indulge in next and I say – " see guys – I am totally about to just sit on that one water slide next – before I go on my last ride for the day...and even though I'v been on it like a gazillion times I can't help but feel this excited...and after which I shall just soak in the elements of animation around as usual..."

They were in the middle of eating their lunches during their break from their regular day at work and we got into a little chat on our group on Whtsapp as I was strolling my way here to this spot after finishing up my quick snack. We obviously switched to our usual video call. It's a good thing I have earpods plugged in though.

Maya chuckles as she says – " yup..we know that K – that one's off your favourites or maybe just all of Thorpe park is – I mean just look at you loving your day out there again..."

Sarah chuckles and adds – "yeah..Maya...ofcourse she is loving it – did you see that smile up her face?its surely a lot relaxed and better than the one she was trying to compose and frame at us this morning when we left the just glad that you look so much for relaxed..."

Well – they are totally right about that. For I was loving it as usual – because all the crazy screaming for the little of last three hours or so on rides – was making me feel so much better restoring me back to into feeling a lot lighter. Just need to scream out a little bit more – before I complete my self-venting out session for the day!

I flip the camera around to make them look at me and I answer honestly – "seriously guys – I am feeling a lot lighter plus I do have to fill you in on something really strange that happened – alright? maybe later tonight? For I know you both gotta get back to work given that it's a Monday and I do not wana hold you back..."

Maya asks inquisitive first – " wait..wait..wait..what do you mean strange? Like in a good way? Or a bad way?"

Sarah narrows her eyes – " or in a weird way??"

I chuckle as I explain – " hmm...maybe...strange in a weird good way..alright?"( I mean it's fair enough to refer to my encounter with the MaskCap dude as just that – given that I finally met someone – who understands exactly why I do this)

Maya's eyes twinkle – "alrighty...then.."

Sarah nods – " we wana all the details about this strange in a weird good way – thing..alright?"

I chuckle – "ofcourse guys ..okay you both carry on now – and I shall see you guys later at night maybe?"

They both ask in unison – " the park closes at 5 pm on the usual right? given it's the weekday?"

I nod – "yup guys – so I should leave here by 5 for sure..anyways..tata..for now...k...fill Brain and Jack over my crazy day out here uptil now for me please before I can...,"and they both grin and nod – " we will...the minute they break from work...K.."

I nod and we hang up.

And I put my phone back into my backpack and safely tuck in my airpods in it's case too and shove it in and zip it back up.I am about to head into one of my favourite water slides(that only gets my tiny miny wet and I just love to Scream on it and atleast do it a three times over.It's a short climb up – which is why it's just super safe too tuck the backpack in the locker around before the ride)

Also – I can't help but take in deep breathes of the fresh air and just smile to myself soaking in the happy ambience of a couple of family groups enjoying their – Day Outs – Here.( Totally reminds me of the time I used to come here with Mum/Grandpa/Granma as a Kid too)


I feel so much better. And as I begin to head my way closer to the slide and am about to step into the Fast Track Lane – I spot a familiar figure strolling from the side opposite across– right towards the Fast Track Lane off this very ride.

It's the MaskCap Dude.

We both end up pausing in our tracks as we reach the Fast Track Lane of the Ride from opposite sides and end up sharing a warm chuckle and he says – " when I was thinking I might not bump into you again – I finally would have been a bummer if I didn't..i'v been telling myself that for the last thirty minutes – because I was totally hoping for that huge chance that we might bump into one another in this middle area..."



He was Hoping to run into me again?

I ask him the same with a polite puzzled smile – " really? you were hoping to run into me again??"

He nods readjusting his cap snug over his head – " yup...I totally was.."

I ask biting back on my puzzled smile – " and why is that..??"

He shrugs casually and his eye glint with a grin – " maybe because – I was wondering how the day was going at your end? As in if you feel you scream enough?"

I chuckle as I admit – " kind off...yes...the day is going good..and I feel a lot better..just a little bit more of the screaming will seal the deal for the day I guess...,"and I pause to ask politely – " what about you?do you feel any better??"

He nods instantly – " ohh yes – I feel as light as a feather already as if truckloads of that work anxiety has finally washed away – I mean...given that we meet at this spot – you surely know – how many rides I'v covered till now..."

I chuckle – " yup...I do..."

He chuckles – "come on then – lets head into this one – we were both heading on here... weren't we??"

I nod.

He gestures me to get into the fast track lane first and I say quickly – " just a second..I just need to tuck my backpack in – into the locker over there...k?"

He nods as I begin to walk up to the locker a little upfront – " oh yes – we might get a little wet – I think ill just tuck in my stuff in there too – is it okay – if we share the locker? But if it makes you uncomfortable – ill just tuck it all in the other one.."

I shrug casually – "well all of my stuff is in my bag so I am sure there is going to be enough space for you to keep your loose stuff around – plus I am going to punch in the I won't just run away with my stuff anyway..,"I finish with a playful smile.

He chuckles and says shooting me a knowing look – " I like that look of a full length playful smile – it tells me you feel a lot relaxed...for real..."


Could he read my Smile so easily?

I thought only Maya/Brain/Jack/Sarah/Mum/Grandpa/Grandma could see through me that way. Maybe – he's just one of those who is good with perception?

I nod at him with a smile – " I must say...someone's very perceptive..," as I work up the locker and shove my bag in and then gesture him to keep his stuff in and he winks playfully – " that I surely am..."

Once he is done with keeping his wallet/phone/my map in – I ask – " aren't you going to shove your Cap in? it'll fly of the slide??"

He nods leaning against the locker – " I know..which is why I shall shove it back in my pocket before I get on the slide..."

I nod – " alrightly .so I guess this is done with then...,"and I close the locker shut and he asks – " you had lunch? I had the most amazing tacos at that Mexican foodtruck you had circled within the vicinity of the Lost City..."

I nod – " yup..I had a quick bite too a little while ago...and those Tacos are really great...I second that...totally..."

He adds next – " I know right...but hey..listen...seriously...I cannot thank you enough for your help with the Map – I am having one of my those best relaxed days..and I gotta thank you again for the same..or imagine – I'd just be looking around for more help with directions otherwise – and I am pretty sure I wouldn't get much – given the sceptical look I'v had a bunch of passer's by give me over my get up every now and know what I mean don't you?? its become the common norm for people too scan and judge on the cover.. "

I nod and admit sincerely – " I know..what you mean obviously..and please don't thank me again ..I am just glad I could help..."

He now politely gestures me to get into the fast track lane first and I nod and do and he follows up behind me and he says grinning – "dude..this one looks fun for sure..."

I look back at him as I say – " it isn't a huge dip which is you have your own slider – and you don't get drenched which helps in the case if you haven't carried a change..."


He chuckles – " exactly

He chuckles – " exactly..I am totally going to do this one – three times over at the least..."

I halt in my tracks as I say placing my hands on my waist – " no way...did you just say that dude.."

He chuckles and asks folding his arms across his chest playfully – " that what you mostly do? Do this three times over??"

I chuckle and admit – " yup...kind off...seriously..these small coincidences just continue to get stranger..,"and he nods and his eyes grin back at me – " I know right..and this is where we gotta high five again...,"and I chuckle and we do just that and after a second of sharing a warm chuckle - I nod at him and turn around and continue with my walk up front feeling a tad bit puzzled over – how strangely comfortable I was otherwise feeling around him at the moment. Never have I ever felt this comfortable around a stranger ever. Like – now that I trace back – I wasn't like uncomfortable during our prior encounter too. To his credit - He's totally got this warm – comfortable vibe I guess.

We reach the spot where in – we are to pick up our individual sliders and he asks – "so you wana know which of those rides I enjoyed the most till now? I mean I totally wana know which are your usual fav's too – that is – if you don't mind discussing the same...ofcourse.."


I have never backed away from a discussion about my Favourite Rides – Ever.

I smile – " yeah...why not – lets talk about that.."

And he nods – "and if we have some in common – we must totally circle those up double on your map – after..."

I chuckle and nod.


How Crazily Natural it was starting to feel around someone – whose face I could not see.Maybe because – his deep chocolate brown earthy eyes – kind off expressed and gave away a comfortable language of their own?


Twenty-Five Minutes Later

Arnav's POV




This day just continues to get Funner. Or Funnest would be a better superlative to use perhaps?

I mean not only I'd just had a super last couple of hours all by myself and was feeling all restored to my natural jovial self – devoid off any anxiety- the fact that I finally bumped into her again – was like a cherry on the cake- with a lot of elements of Icing added to it.

And now that she was a lot more relaxed and cheerful than she was in the morning – it was just so great to have elements of casual conversations with her all revolving her around our common love for theme parks. In the middle of riding this water slide thrice and walking upto the ride over and after - we'v literally discussed the things we loved around in this theme park and another popular theme park closer to Nottinghamshire – The Alton Towers - that we'v both been too –at some point in our lives.

We are on our way outta the ride spot and as my eye falls on an element that I love to indulge in for fun – I halt in my track for a second as I ask – " have a pound coin on you?? I have one – but I need one more..."

She turns around instantly and pauses in her stride upto her locker and walks back to me my taking a pound coin from her pocket – " yeah...I it...,"and I open my palm out to her and she places it on it with a puzzled grin and asks – " what's up??"

I chuckle as I admit gesturing towards the fun innovation of a body dryer – " I wana go in there – even though we aren't very wet – but it's fun...."

She chuckles – " really??"

I nod – " yup – see the group of teenagers in there at the moment totally seem to be enjoying themselves..."

She nods as she leans past me to look at the sight and smiles – " well yes they are

She nods as she leans past me to look at the sight and smiles – " well yes they are...for sure...okay..go on then...ill just get the stuff from the locker in the meanwhile...,"and she starts to turn around amused which makes me shoot out my hand to hold her wrist on reflex in order to stop her as I say – " no – you aren't going anywhere yet – the absurd look on your face tells me – you haven't been in one of those – which is why you don't know how kool it actually feels...strange that it feels kool though because on the contrary it kinda just warms you up...come on...I insist you try..."

She turns around and breaks into a warm chuckle as she states casually freeing her hand from my grip beginning to walk up aside me – " alrighty...fine...let's do this..."

And I grin in accomplishment as we make our way to the Body Dryer and wait for the teenagers to step out so that we could step in!


The minute the timer on the Drying time ends – I ask shooting her a knowing look given that she was all smiles – " see – I told you right? was fun wasn't it??"

She chuckles fondly as she looks around at the Dryer and we both hop out – "strangely enough – yes – it was...seriously MaskCap Dude – I didn't know that I'd actually dig this – for real..."

I chuckle – " and I am glad I helped you indulge in a killer element of theme park innovation.."

She nods and begins to walk up to the locker.

Oh wait. That reminds me – that amidst enjoying all the theme park chatter with her – I totally forgot to ask her name – again.(Which is crazy because at the back of my head – all these hours – I was telling myself that the first thing out I will ask her when I see her next will be her name. I think I have to blame her gorgeous happy grin for the distraction.)

I pace up to her quickly and I ask as she works up the locker – " ok..wait..this is crazy...but...and my apologies for coming to this now – but hey... what's your name?"

She hands me my stuff first and I tuck my phone/wallet back into my front pockets and her map in my backpocket and the minute she picks out her backpack and slings it up her shoulders she chuckles– " okay – since nothings been usual about our encounter today anyway – how about we do the name introductions by the end of the day – you know like in a reverse order?"

I nod grinning and we begin to back– " worries...we could do that..."(And a part of me is glad about her answer because I obviously want to pull my mask out in front of her – by the end of the day to just see her reaction – finally. I wonder if she will recognise me though. I mean – chances are that she might if she is into Cricket? She surely is Asian – so if she is into Cricket – she'd surely recognise the faces from our Indian Cricket Team.Wait – maybe I should just ask her the same?)

But Right then she strikes a little conversation about the next section we are both headed to – in the park – and begins to talk about a Ride she saves up for the Last every single time – and I feel myself getting distracted again – by that gorgeous grin of Her's + the pair of her mysterious deep eyes.


Twenty More Minutes Later – Nearing to 3:58PM

Khushi's POV


This is precisely the reason why I always save the Ride – Vortex for the Last. Because it works exactly like that last bit of the venting out – kind of managing to pull out the last shreds of heavy angsty weight of my heart – for the day(just like how you use the good old straw to drink up the last bits of a drink)

 Because it works exactly like that last bit of the venting out – kind of managing to pull out the last shreds of heavy angsty weight of my heart – for the day(just like how you use the good old straw to drink up the last bits of a drink)

And now that I feel a lot more free- er – I can't help but pause in my tracks after collecting my backpack and pose for a happy selfie with the snapshot of the Vortex Ride in the background and share it on the group with my friends

And now that I feel a lot more free- er – I can't help but pause in my tracks after collecting my backpack and pose for a happy selfie with the snapshot of the Vortex Ride in the background and share it on the group with my friends.

I am going to be Okay.


The situation with my family is still complicated but Mum and me have been fairing well – and we will be okay doing the same – as long as we got one another and everyone in our close circle. Plus even though I am still adamant about my decision off not talking to Rob.( I am sure that I am on my way of doing much better bit by bit).

I look back at the Vortex again and take a deep breathe of Fresh Air.

Plus guys - Also – this is the only borderline from a little over medium thrill ride that I can actually muster up all my guts to sit on. Can't believe – The MaskCap Dude couldn't sit on it though given that – it was written in the warnings list – that it can lead to sudden jerks/and anyone with a vulnerable back should not sit on it.(Which is why he's just hopped onto the other medium thrill ride in the closer proximity of this one in the meanwhile) – and we just decided to wait up for the other at this one spot in the middle of both the rides – after which ever one of us finishes first.

Now that my thoughts have stirred upto him again – I kind off have to admit that I was having a lot more Fun in his company than I had ever anticipated. He was kinda cool.

Or make that – Super Cool.

Also as I walk upto the spot(where we decided to catch up after) - I do wonder on reflex - what kind of job is he into that requires him to not take any risk off a back jerk whatsoever? I mean it was clearly written all over his face when he saw the Vortex ride I was about to get on that he really just wanted to sit on it – too!


But to be honest – I am quite enjoying our unusually comfortable encounter where in none of us has talked about our names/our work/the usuals – etc.And now that I think off it – maybe it's this bit off it that makes this encounter comfortable? As in – you know how they say – that sometime's it's just easier to have random comfortable conversations with Strangers by striking a random common chord – without having to worry about what they will think of you otherwise because – yeah – they don't know you anyway!(in the sense of the usual stuff)

Just as I reach the spot – I see him walking up to me too and we both end up sharing a warm chuckle yet again as he asks – " ride was good..but I so envy the fact that I couldn't join you in on that one – so guess what did I do??"

I am partially amused and intrigued by the ways his eyes continue to talk in transparent expressions. I don't remember the last time I'v let my eyes give me away this transparently. I say nonetheless folding up my arms across my chest – " what if I take a guess??"

He nods and folds his arms across his chest – " go on..then...lets see if you can guess.."

I grin – " maybe in your head you just pretended that you were sitting on the Vortex – even though you weren't "

He chuckles and flicks his fingers in a playful snap – " bingo that...,"and he pauses to ask – " hey missed the ride I was on – you wana go on that one? I can surely wait for you around here...or even better just do it again...."

I shake my head in a – No – as I admit looking at the time in my phone – " no..not really...ill give it a miss because its 4pm already and the park closes in an hour and there's an area I need to be in – for this last hour..."

He nods and gestures us to begin walking and says – " Alrighty...then...why don't you lead the way..?? I hope you don't mind if I tag along??"

I chuckle naturally as I admit with a shrug – " I don't mind...but I don't know how interested would you be to chill around just the kids themed area for a's just a five minute walk from here though as in we take the turn after about 200 meters into that cocooned kids/family area..."

His pauses in his tracks as his eyes dancing with puzzlement meet mine – "wait..what? you are headed to the kids/family space??"

I nod as I give a brief context without giving much away – "yup... let's say...its got something to do with my work – its like a work thing with regards to some observations/perceptions/analysis.."

He nods in an instant understanding – " I get it – no worries – lets go there and now that I think off it – I haven't chilled in around just a kids space in a theme park..since ages...,"and he adds with a mischevious wink – " or make that ever since I was a kid.."

We end up sharing a warm chuckle at that and continue walking in a comfortable silence for a couple of minutes and as we stroll into the kid's space he says next adjusting his Cap even more snug on his head – " jokes...apart...on a serious note...Its been great meeting you..for sure...,"and I nod in instant acknowledgement of the same as I say – " I think...I'd like to say ..copy that to that..."

He chuckles and raises his eyebrow – " you think??oh you mean you are sure about that..."

I chuckle – " you can presume whatever you want MaskCap Dude..,"and he nods happily and as he takes in the ambience around he admits – " okay..seriously..this place really reminds me of my time out with my family at theme parks back home – when we were kids..."

I nod as I admit – my eyes gazing around the Merry-Go-Round Carosurel/Carnival games/ Some more Kiddy Rides/ Little Family benches/Popcorn Machines/Candy Floss Stands – " yeah...I know..what you mean...reminds me off the same..."

And we continue to stroll in slowly now – I pause in my tracks – as I come face to face with a sight of a Daddy feeding his little girl some ice-cream and helping her clean up her face in the process – and all of a sudden – I feel a sudden bout of angst and longing return to grip my heart momentarily at the sight.

It is right then – he hops up from the side a little upfront of me as he asks – " hey..what's wrong? Your smiles gone?? You okay??"

I admit shrugging masking up my emotion – " yeah...I am okay...I was just adoring the sight of the Dad helping his lil girl over there...that's all...ofcourse I am okay..,"and I shoot him my casual cover up smile.

He shoots me a look – " clearly just did that thing again?"

I ask puzzled – " what thing??"

He explains with a matter of fact gesture with his hand – " your thing that you do. You just flipped your switch..."

I ask – " huh?? What do you mean?"

He explains – " it means and refers to the thing you do with flipping on that switch in your head to pull this curtain or a cover up over your eyes...for clearly for a second – you were not okay there...I spotted that..."

Holy Hell.

How did he even figure both of those elements out?

I shrug covering up again with an amused shrug – " what?? no I don't do any such thing as flipping the switch...really?I have no idea what you are talking about...,"and I walk over to the nearest bench and take my seat placing my backpack in my lap.

He walks over and plonks next to me and he whispers sincerely – " you know...just like it's okay to not be's also okay at times to just voice It out loud and talk about it...and sometimes to someone different than you usually do – it can help bring in a different times...but once again...that is just my humble opinion..what would your's be on the same?"

And I turn to look at him and our eyes lock and maybe it was the ounces of sincerity reflecting from his eyes + the fact that he was a total stranger( a warm/friendly one - Whom I might not ever see again) – that made me feel like – maybe – its wouldn't harm to test the theory he was pointing towards for the very first time and I admit looking away from his deep gaze fidgeting with my backpack nervously – "I don't in I don't have an opinion on the same because well – iv never talked to a stranger about what could be hurting me within – like yeah.."

He answers in a comfortable, supportive sincere tone – " why don't you try? I mean you won't ever know how the theory works until you actually test it??"



He is right about that.

I won't ever know – if I don't test it. Maybe it wouldn't harm if I just talk about little bits ambiguously (like parts of the bit that were bits of the truth I lived with until I was 18)– for starters?.He has no idea who I am anyway. He doesn't even know my name. What could he presume/assume/judge?


Arnav's POV

I am praying to all of my Cricketing Gods above at once that she does not get up and walk away right now.

I suggested what I did – only because – I wanted to see her smile. I was kind of bummed when I spotted that sudden cloud of angst take over her eyes for a nanosecond – again – especially when she's probably worked on her mind – all day to come to terms with that.

I look at her face.She's keenly and silently perceiving my stance and body language in the spot next to her silently.(She's been strangely silent for the last two minutes. But silence is better than her walking away for sure)

I say now – " hey...look...I'm sorry..if...,"and words stay put in my mouth as I see her turn her face to look in the direction of the same Dad lovingly heading towards the Merry -go Round with his daughter and she whispers softly – " I just kinda wish at times – that I knew my Dad....and the fact..that I will never get to know him hurts obviously...I don't talk about it as often to my Mum as I should maybe – because I fear hurting her in the process – for she's been both my parents to me ever since I was born.Dad passed before I was born so I just never knew him. Sometimes I feel kinda ashamed of myself for feeling this way though as in – you know when I have thoughts like I wana ask Mum about him to just even know him through her these thoughts off longing to know a parent whose never been a part of my life. I feel so selfish and ashamed at times of the same in the sense that sometimes I just feel like even having this thought is like so disrespectful to my Mum!! You tell it? I mean do you think it's disrespectful towards her?,"she asks continuing to look upfront.

Oh Shit. That's surely a deep emotional vulnerable wound. My heart goes out to her. Given the way I am so close to both my parents – I can't even imagine not having either of them in my life.Plus something in my gut tells me observing the change in the vibe in her relaxed body language that she is totally fighting back her vulnerable ache.

I answer sincerely my hand going to cover up hers fidgeting with her backpack strings in sincere support – " no...not at's not disrespectful towards her in any sense...alright? don't you feel ashamed of feeling something as natural a longing as this...please..."

She asks continuing to look upfront – " do you think it's natural for real? As in to just feel this longing to know a parent – who was technically never a part of your life and never will be..."

I clutch her hand back in support – " ofcourse...its totally natural...infact it would be un-natural if you wouldn't feel it...its blood – a biological gentic call ,"and I pause as I add – " also...I am so so sorry for your loss...I can't even begin to imagine your emotional pain over the same..but thing I am sure off – your Dad's surely watching over you from up there – and he'd be proud of his lil girl...indeed..."

It's good that she hasn't pulled her hand away – yet. She's subtly soaking in the support I want to offer.

She finally looks at me for a second directly and our eyes lock and I do spot her eyes mirror a lot of vulnerability for just a nanosecond before she covers it up and looks away again and asks sincerely – " really? you think so? That he'd be proud?"

I nod – " ofcourse...he'd be proud – his lil girl is so cool plus not to forget so very kind and helpful too – she helped a freaky MaskCap dude with his way around today...remember?"

I am so glad she chuckles at that and she looks at me for a second and shrugs amused – " very funny of you to remind me of that..."

I smile – " did mission accomplished.."

She says next looking upfront again – " I don't wana ask Mum about him much – because I feel like I don't wana open up her emotional wounds with regards to Dad. It's been tuff on her emotionally – for know what I mean??"

I nod as I say – " yup...I kinda feel like you are caught up in this constant delima/vicious circle of wanting to know your Dad through her and fear hurting her/opening her wounds in the process..which is why you probably just keep it all bottled in mostly and just use different ways of venting out the frustration that's natural to come around within because of the same – without weighing anyone else down in the process??and probably this trip out to the theme park here every now and then and screaming your lungs out – is a coping mechanism for that???"

She nods taking a deep breathe – " exactly...that's exactly what this trip today is,"and she pauses and I ask comfortingly clutching on her hand again – " was there anything else that you were venting out today??"

She nods and sighs but does not look my way and continues to stare at the Merry-Go Round.

She nods and sighs but does not look my way and continues to stare at the Merry-Go Round

PLUS she does not pull her hand away yet(I am so glad about that) and she says - " yup...I was venting out something more today....which is...,"and she pauses again.

I say sincerely – " it's okay if you don't wana let anything more out – alright? just know that – sometimes it takes time to come around things – that's all...all you need is time...give yourself that..."

She sighs and says – "maybe are right...time is what I the other thing...I was venting out today was the leftover hurt...over being was seeing someone steadily exclusively for a year – until about two months ago – and there was some stuff at on my end that he did not wana kind off deal with – so yeah –it was like when I talked to him about it in the first place..the very next minute – he voiced that he wanted to break up – that it was too much/too taxing too handle for him....I walked away graciously ofcourse...but its going to take some time to bury the hatchet in the head right?? I do wana get past the grudge because I do not wana feel bitter – but then again – it's a process ..right?"

Oh Boy.

Here We GO.

We have another thing in common. We'v both been dumped in similar ways. Roohi didn't wana deal with the Long Distance angle on my end.

Maybe the knowledge of the same is going to help her feel better.

I admit sincerely – "'s a process indeed....look... I get strange as this is going to sound...hear me out.... it took me about six months to bury the hatchet/hurt in my head over my ex dumping me in the ways she did – because after dating exclusively for one year too – she kind of just didn't wana do the long distance angle on my end anymore making me feel like she was never probably emotionally invested enough. I am in a job that requires me to travel quite a bit – so yeah – once again – I totally understand what you feel with regards to that too – just give yourself that time – and you will surely come to terms with this – too...eventually...just don't be too hard on yourself in the process...that's all...."

She looks at me instantly finally and her eyes widen to the size of cups and saucers – " no way...what are you saying? Is this for real?? As in this coincidence in between of us too??"

I nod sincerely – " it is – for sure.."

She asks – " when was this??"

I answer honestly – " it's been a while longer than you's for sure – its been two years to my break up..nonetheless I am just glad this happened before I was into her deeper...emotionally..because then it would have taken me longer time to come to terms with...otherwise..."

She asks – " ahaannn....and have you dated anyone after? And with this bit happening – didn't it make you feel like – you just never wana date again...??"

I admit sincerely – " not really actually... I just have been so busy with my job after...that's all...but I know where you are coming from and once again – please note – it's natural for you to feel this way for an initial bit after all its only been two months – but you will begin to feel better soon..mark my words on that...."

She nods and shoots me a polite friendly smile – "thank you for in thank you for listening and being so supportive – maybe – there's something in that theory you were suggesting's the first time I'v tried it and the experience hasn't been bad..."

I chuckle as I say – " see...I told I shall totally take your hasn't been a bad experience bit – as a compliment...,"and because I now want to make her grin effortlessly – I add standing up tugging on her hand and making her stand up too – " come on then – let's actually get on that Merry go-round you'v been eyeing before the park closes – it will be fun...I haven't been on one since..."

And we both end up saying in unison – " I was a kid...,"and to my delight she does chuckle and seems to be a lot more relaxed as she nods – " alrighty...lets do it then...but I am shotgunning that horse...the white one..."

I wink at her playfully – " alrighty...than I shall shotgun the one right next to you.."

She nods and we get on with doing Just That.


Ten Minutes Later

Arnav's POV Continues

The minute we walk back to the spot right in front of the Merry Go- Round after discussing a couple of our happy childhood memories on the same in the middle of the ride – she takes a fresh deep breathe and shoots me a happy look with that gorgeous grin that shines over – " okay...seriously...I didn't think it was going to be as Fun as it used to be when I was little..for sure..."

I chuckle and nod – " and I am so glad your grin is reaching your ears right now as you say that.."

She says sincerely – " no seriously....thank you..for.....,"and I gesture her to pause as I wink at her playfully – " oh no – don't please...not again..."

She nods – " alrighty...,"and all of a sudden I see her eyes narrow as if she were contemplating something while looking up at something behind me and she says dashing past me and turning around in her steps backwards gesturing me to come on up – " now that we did just indulge into the merry go around – I think I wana surely get my hands on some Candy Floss for I used to have it all the time as a kid – come on then – the vendors surely going to shut soon since it's almost 4:45 PM..."

Candy Floss.

Something – I have never ever Tasted. Didn't ever feel like. Never seemed inviting enough to my taste buds. She clearly enjoys it given that she paced up to the station the way she did.

I stride up to join her in nonetheless as we walk up to the Candy Floss Station.

I stride up to join her in nonetheless as we walk up to the Candy Floss Station

 Once she is done placing an order for herself she looks at me and asks – " will you have one too??"

Once she is done placing an order for herself she looks at me and asks – " will you have one too??"

I admit honestly – " don't know how that tastes actually – I'v never really had a Candy Floss. My siblings used to love having it as kids – but I just never felt like it..."

Her eyes widen with mirth at that – " no way....are you for real? Are you saying that you'v never had a Candy Freaking Floss?? Like never? Like never..ever?? in all of your life till now???"

I chuckle as I nod – " yes...that's exactly what I am saying – I haven't ever had a Candy Freaking Floss in the last 25 years plus years of my Life..."

She asks scrunching her nose up in way that's way too adorable to be confined to usual gestures of inquisitiveness – " that going to change today? As in will you give it a taste at the least? C'mon – I tried a different theory for myself today which actually didn't turn out to be bad – so its only fair that you try something new today – too – even if its just a good old candy floss..."

I chuckle as I nod. I don't know why – but it totally felt like I just couldn't say No – to that Look on her face. – " have me convinced...I will give it a shot..."(And spend some extra time running on the treadmill – later on – in order to expend out the Carbs – I add to myself silently)

She grins and give me a playful wink and I begin to get out my wallet to order one for myself and she gestures me to stop as she says – " my treat..k??"

I nod and hold back and let her order one for me too. And once we both are handed a – Candy Floss – each- in our hands and she is about to dig in I ask – " is gotta tell me your name..first.."

Her eyes lock with mine as they cloud in puzzlement as she digs in her Candy Floss - savoring the moment. - " really? why is that? I thought we were saving that for the last?theres still fifteen minutes until the park closes...."

I nod as I admit – " yup....we were – but if I am going to have to taste this Candy Floss - I need to pull off my mask of my face to eat..."

Her eyebrows twitch in a puzzled frown – ""

(So – all this while – I'v just had my Mask+ Cap On infront of her given that I ate my meal prior to meeting her and coincidentally have been sipping on my water when we were on different rides just now.Also the only time my Cap was Off my head was when I was on the water slide ride – going up behind her.So she didn't actually spot my mask tucked a little down too.So basically she still has no idea – who I am.)

She chips in next in continued shades of sheer puzzlement and then as if a realisation dawns on her she asks – " oh you want me to turn around?? As in – and not see your face?? I could do that – no worries...,"and as she begins to turn around – I hold her by the arm and stop her in the process and make her turn to look at me as I admit – " no – no – please...if anything – that's all I'v been wanting to do for a bit now.."

She asks taking another bite off her Candy Floss in the middle of all her puzzlement – " you mean take off your mask so that I can see your face? Or not take off your face mask- so that I can't?

I answer immediately – " the former obviously...what I mean is – the minute I take off my mask – there are chances you might already figure out what my name is...which is why I just wana know your name prior...."

Her eyes widen at that as she asks munching subtly – " Wait..what? are you saying that you know me already? Which is how I may know you? As in... have we met before?? No...that's surely not possible..."

I explain – " no..I don't know you and this is the first time we'v met but...what I mean is – that chances are that you may already know me...and that's not because we'v met before.."

She shoots me are you – ridiculous look taking a bite of her Candy Floss again – "huh????what do you mean??"

Never Mind.

Looks like I gotta take my Mask Off to get my Point Across first. I immediately take off my cap for a second and brush my hand through my hair and then tuck out the string off my mask from both my ears pulling it off my face completely as I say with a happy grin – " I mean – if you follow cricket as a sport and do keep a tap on updates on Indian Cricket – there are huge chances that you'd already know my name...which is Arnav. Arnav Singh Raizada and professionally I am a cricketer. I play for India and I am here in your country because our tour of England begins soon.....," I finish happily digging in a bite of the Candy Floss.

And the second – I say that out loud and see her take in the sight off me – my grin dies and before I could even tell her what I think of the taste of the Floss I just stopped chewing on all that Candy Floss - I had taken in momentarily anyway. Why? Because – I see her pale in her face as if she had just seen a ghost as she freezes in her spot with her eyes popped up in sheer shock with her hand clutching on her Candy Floss Stick tight before her eyes and face pull up a complete blank curtain up on it as she begins to step backwards away from me and whispers in a pale nervous tremor – " I am s...or..ry...I ne...ed to go...,"and before I can even comprehend what's just happened – she turns around and runs away at the speed as if her legs had suddenly gotten equipped with some Hi-Tech Roller SkateBoard.(Like the one the Gaming Mascot dawns and uses in the popular game – Subway Surfers?)



What the hell just happened????

Did she really just Run Away from me – like that? As if – she had really encountered a Scary Ghost?


Why would she do that?

A couple of seconds later – as it finally hits me – that she's really gone – I run after her obviously tucking my cap and Mask back on in place – but to my disappointed dismay – I cannot spot her in the middle of the sudden crowd that's started to flood around heading towards the Exit at the same time - as the park's about to close.

I continue to Run upto the Exit -nonetheless. But as fast I was on my feet nearing the exit of the Park- I'v totally lost the sight of her in my line of vision and all I can do for a second as I reach the Exit gate is just pause in my tracks feeling all dazed and weird because I realise that now that I'v lost her in the crowd – there's no way I can trace her in all of London - for I don't even know her name/nor do I know what does she do/where does she live – etc.

Also - I can't believe she did that after spending the time we did in the last 90 minutes especially.


I hate this.

I don't even know her NAME. Maybe - I just gotta to refer to her as Miss.SkateBoard in my head given that she skated her way away from me at a supersonic speed.

Infact as crazy as it sounds – the only proof that I have now of even meeting Miss.SkateBoard – is the Piece of her Map of the park tucked in my backpocket + this stick of Candy Floss she'd bought me still clutched in my hand.

I fight back my sigh as I head to the Cab Stand and just dig into the Candy Floss for a second bite – nonetheless - silently Hoping for a Chance encounter with her again.


Because I need my answers. I need to know why would she just run away like that? And maybe also tell her that – as strangely perplexed I am by her behaviour in the end – I gotta admit that she was right about this last bit – nonetheless.

What bit?

That the taste of this Candy Floss in my hand – wasn't really – that Bad!



How was That Guys??

I mean we all know – why Khushi ran away the way she did. Only Arnav doesn't.Haha...(winks) Are they going to have a chance encounter again – ofcourse YES!!(Winks) Stay tuned in for the same in the Next Update.

Next Update (Tomorrow Night) : Take 3 - Doodle.

Until Then – Please take care and Stay Indoors and Safe guys!!!! 🙏🙏🙏

Thanks Guys for all the Support and your Precious Time to my Work!

Much Love




coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Sharing a locker already? Things are off to a start.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Will she recognize him when he takes off his mask? She has sworn off any players.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

He is perceptive all right. He can spot when she is covering up her emotions.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

She thinks her dad passed away? Thought her mother told her when she turned 18.
