Your style of writing is very dramatic. Its like watching a brawl erupt in front of you ... a brawl of words and emotions. And your characters were very well defined. I enjoyed reading this story for its writing style and well defined characters.
Despite all the goodness, I would ask you to kindly read up on the subject you are writing about. Politics is not just about sex, scandals, money, power play and sacrifice. It is also about reading the newspaper, connecting the dots, reaching out to the masses. Every single little thing counts. This story lacked all of that. It just gave the impression that politics is about sex, scandals, money and power play ... which, to be very honest, is an immature perception of the subject. Politics is not just about politicians. And unfortunately, the subject was reduced down to just that.
I was pretty afraid to post my opinion, but gathered courage after reading your letter to your readers.