Hey guys as you all know the last day of Everest is here...
It's soon going to end...
Everest has been the journey of anjali Akash and arjun
Chand colonel Reena and everyone else have been a main part of the trio's journey
This journey was not the journey of these characters but the people who played the roles and most importantly the journey of Ashutosh sir!!!
He gave us such an amazing show and his aspriring thoughts...
This show has been the journey of all of us too!!!
It bought many of us together!! For some people it as a reunion and for some people it was their first time and for others they made new friends!!
It held us together for three long months...
After this show ends few of us may fall apart or few us may stay together!
But one thing that will remain common is the show "Everest"
So guys it's time we show some gratitude and love towards the people of Everest!!!
I would like to call all the twitterites and request you to tweet and trend
#EverestWillBeMissed and tag any crew members you wish!!it is a humble request please spread the word and let's show our love towards everest!!
Tweet-- #EverestWillBeMissed
Tomorrow-- Saturday (28 Feb)
Timings-- 7pm
It's soon going to end...
Everest has been the journey of anjali Akash and arjun
Chand colonel Reena and everyone else have been a main part of the trio's journey
This journey was not the journey of these characters but the people who played the roles and most importantly the journey of Ashutosh sir!!!
He gave us such an amazing show and his aspriring thoughts...
This show has been the journey of all of us too!!!
It bought many of us together!! For some people it as a reunion and for some people it was their first time and for others they made new friends!!
It held us together for three long months...
After this show ends few of us may fall apart or few us may stay together!
But one thing that will remain common is the show "Everest"
So guys it's time we show some gratitude and love towards the people of Everest!!!
I would like to call all the twitterites and request you to tweet and trend
#EverestWillBeMissed and tag any crew members you wish!!it is a humble request please spread the word and let's show our love towards everest!!
Tweet-- #EverestWillBeMissed
Tomorrow-- Saturday (28 Feb)
Timings-- 7pm