After seeing the episode of today I appreciated the character of Suman.
She burst out her anger asking why she had to live like a widow. Why his son was fatherless. Why she had to live as a mother, father, son and brother to her family while Ravi was alive.
When Ravi threatened the life of Ranveer, she became frightened so we can see her love for him.
Her screams at the end made me sick, one understands her dilemma when she stopped when Ranveer told her "let's go home." How, she looks at her hand when Ranveer cowards her. Her love for Ranveer is strong, I think she even loves him more than Ravi.
By cons with the precap where it makes the dream this will not be good for us. She risks walking in the direction of Ravi to protect Ranveer's life, as this one did to protect her.
But why can not the two merely unite their strength? They have sworn to face everything together, it is a trial like any other.
Suman was legally widowed so nothing forces her to leave Ranveer except threats and again.
I really would like SumVeer to discover the secret of Ravi to get out of this situation.
I really do not want things to go in other directions.