This show has moved me in inexplicable ways.
On the one hand I feel like knocking Chander on his head for his high ideals and his cultural obligations that will not allow him to live as he wants to live, yet I understand where he is coming from.
On the one hand I am in awe to see the purity of Sudha's love and on the other I think what a silly girl to give all her power as a human being just to glorify another one.. She left the responsibility of her own life in his hands which I find rather irresponsible of Sudha.
Then I see the pain that they go through and inexplicably that pain, that fire , that agony is soo beautiful.
The experiences that human beings create for themselves represents the vivid heartbeat of life as it is lived by all ordinary human beings.
The reason we can relate to these experiences is because we, even the most ordinary of human beings have gone through this kind of pain and elation somewhere or other in our lives. And we are in awe and we are in pain and we are in love all at the same time.
What a lovely portrayal of life this show is.