Karan Sharma is obviously cute, but what donu tink would make him look better? For example, I wish the CVS would give him a new wardrobe. He has those jackets and shirts all the time. Could they like change it up once in a also could say tht you don't want to change anything about him too. Also say one thing about him that should never change. For me, tht would be his smile and sweetness!
Don't forget to comment on his fan page!!!! Not only do we need to get Krystle to the top, we need to get Karan to the top in the top 20 at the least. My goal for both actors is the top 10 for now.
Don't forget to comment on his fan page!!!! Not only do we need to get Krystle to the top, we need to get Karan to the top in the top 20 at the least. My goal for both actors is the top 10 for now.