This show has exceeded my expectations in every way. I hope it remains the same. The simplicity is what makes it work. What happens on this show is not larger than life, its very relatable and something that can happen to any of us in our lives at any time. Frankly watching Suman and Shravan together reminds me of some of my own friendships from school and university. That interaction, the nohk johks, the understanding each other, and fighting with each other. The taking for granted. Everything. Its all their and it's all perfect and normal.
Just loved that scene today when Shravan was walking away from Sumo's car and she was watching him in the rear view mirror. I myself have done that, and frankly, it's SO real. Hats off to the creatives of this show, for keeping it real. These days supernatural, highly dramatic, ichadari zoo is what seems to be selling. But these makers have taken the bold step of making a normal story about normal people with totally realistic scenes and realistic story. Gotta love em!
I also think Suman and Sharvan's chemistry from Teens to adults is also perfect! The kids and the grown ups have equal chemistry which is superb to see. The acting is so natural. I am loving it.
Edited by MrDarcyfan - 8 years ago