^^ Can you believe I still haven't seen Social Network? :/ Chip did... she said it was good...
Do see it. Its just great! Personally, I think that Social Network should have deserved the Oscar over The King's Speech this year. If not for Best Motion Picture, then atleast David Fincher would have received it for best Director, like he got the globe and the BAFTA. Brenda was really matured and amazing, although there was one intimate scene with Andrew Garfield that really shocked me, but she was acting.
Originally posted by: -Untamed-
Why isn't TVD nominated? It's like the best thing ever after HP :P
Nah only the TV series! 😆
I've only seen a little bit of The King's Speech so far but I have to say that it was incredibly heart-wrenching and amazing... based on the promos for both movies, I was rooting for TKS and Colin Firth all the way :)
HOW COULD YOU READ THE BOOKS AND NOT TELL ME THAT YOU DID?!!!! So, was I right when I said that TVD is epic? :P
Regarding your question, I don't think TVD is for kids y'know... it'll prob. get nominated for TCAs :)