OMG!! yesterday's episode was lovely as usual. DWTG is going great these days.. especially with DebLan getting back together and entry of Rajveer😳 and exit of Aseem😆
Still I can't help but wish that the cute romantic scenes in the show were a little bit longer.
Example 1: Rajlekha scene was too short yesterday. 🥱It was all of a sudden like a dream. It was good. 😳But still why r the CVs rushing with RajLekha??😲
Example 2: Yesterday's deblan scene was good too, but there were way too many breaks. I wish they had shown it in one piece or two. Anyways I'm glad they showed us Deblan but still they need to add more romance😳 wat say?😛
Bottomline: add more Deblan and Rajlekha plz Cvs. And of course we are OK with the sister gang's masti and everything. Plz dont cut that part
How many of you agree wid me? Do comment ur views guys! thnx.
P.S. I know I might be asking for a bit more favor here. No actor would love to get less space but iss dil ka kya karei, can't help it. lol. No offense to any actors/characters in the show. I so love each n everyone of them. Its just that my romantic bone has grown up to be really hard and nothing else.