[Tag made by -.serendipity.-]
Please use @ format to reply to the maker/thank/appreciate their work instead of quoting. Because quoting posts makes the page load slower.
Do not post/copy/trim or cut other people's work and claim it as your own. If found doing so strict action will be taken. Do not cut out any parts of other member's creations and use it in yours.
If you want to request for any creations-signature/avatars you can use PM service or use Avatar & Signatures Shop for the same.
You are free to comment on creations but please refrain from chatting. We have chat club for that purpose.
Many of our creations have been posted outside I-F even though the creators request not to. I request everyone to please put a copyright/your name in your creations. And those who use them, please do not post outside I-F unless the member allows to.
[Permission granted by Aahaana]
Prii & DKB DT