Originally posted by: K.Universe.
Scenario #1: Jack, corn, cock, priest, maiden, cow, horn. farm, dog, cat, rat, malt and the house all are entangled but the imbecile observer is observing them as separate entities knowing fully well that there are known problems with observations / measurements that needs to be overcome.
My take on Scenario #1: The observer could be observing himself/herself/itself. Did I mention that I consider the observer an imbecile?!
Scenario #2: Jack, corn, cock, priest, maiden, cow, horn. farm, dog, cat, rat, malt and the house came about randomly.
My take on Scenario #2: I/we am/are wondering about it all unnecessarily, even though you have that nagging doubt that if hydrogen can transform into an iPad given enough time, why don't our bank accounts randomly reflect a 1 followed by 10 digits (at the least) or why can't pigs fly randomly? Why are there rigid laws/rules at our level when stuff can happen randomly at levels below ours? How did these laws/rules come about?
Scenario #3: Jack, corn, cock, priest, maiden, cow, horn. farm, dog, cat, rat, malt and the house are simulated just like FarmVille.
My take on Scenario #3: We need to find that team (probably headed by juvenile characters like Zuckerberg/Pincus) that is responsible for this abomination. At the same time, we want Zuckerberg/Pincus to also wonder how they came about. Yeah, serves them right! Guess we showed them!
Scenario #4: Jack, corn, cock, priest, maiden, cow, horn. farm, dog, cat, rat, malt and the house were created by some Dude with untold powers who decided in His own infinite wisdom to create all this, one fine day. Apparently this fine day is outside of our time (go figure!)
My take on Scenario #4: Nothing. I want to become that Dude. When is my turn?!
Scenario #5: Jack, corn, cock, priest, maiden, cow, horn. farm, dog, cat, rat, malt and the house exist in one universe, and don't in another universe. In one universe, the rat is killing the cat, the farmer is doing the cow, and the priest is shaving the maiden. In yet another universe, the cow is milking the dog, the house is worried and the corn is eating Jack. You get the picture.
My take on Scenario #5: It's a cop out scenario envisioned by some people who are tired of thinking.