Cricket Forum Rules & Regulations


Viswasruti thumbnail


Posted: 10 days ago

Rules and Guidelines for cricket forum

Please keep these forum Rules & Guidelines in mind, while contributing and/or participating here.

No Bashing: Code of Conduct (CoC) strictly forbids members from bashing fellow members, Development Team (Dev. Team or DT) members and sports personalities. This includes the use of foul language, as well as any personal remarks, i.e. how the sports person looks like, as they have no control over it! We welcome members to share their constructive criticism on the playing techniques of a sports person or to discuss their talents, however, please refrain from engaging in any kind of bashing, which may have severe consequences

What some of you are doing is breaking the COC.

  • Bashing Dev. Team Members is strictly against IF Rules. Warning Levels will be raised of members found bashing the Development team. If you have any issues, contact the Global Moderators.
  • Any personal attack, direct / indirect, abusive / sarcastic, within or outside Sports and Cricket forum will not be tolerated.

Personal attack: Each and every one are entitled to having their own point of view, likes and dislikes. Differences in opinions are bound to exist in a forum like However, this does not permit one to attack their fellow members for not sharing the same point of view. Let us respect our fellow members and refrain from making any provocative statements, which may only lead to unnecessary quarrels.

Members come here to relax and unwind. Quoting some one's post and making a harsh comment begets displeasure. You have no right to post any abusive, derogatory, insulting or sarcastic comments which are enough to hurt the sentiments of your fellow member.

Indirectly Mocking Opinions and Pinpointing: You all know exactly what we DT mean. It's been happening and will not be entertained. You are free to express your opinion and have a healthy debate with one another. However, mocking and posting instigating remarks on one's opinion will not be tolerated. That means that you cannot mock/mention other member's opinions in your topics. If members want to speak, they can do it themselves. You cannot be like - How mature or immature fans thinks, or how their opinion says a lot about them, how stupid and what not. All these shall not be entertained any more. You want to express your opinion, please do so in a civil way and do not bring in Freedom of Speech as Human Rights when the whole meaning are simply misinterpreted according to one's benefit. We DT respect Freedom of Speech but one should also be well enough to judge if they have used their rights to Freedom of Speech responsibly. Any individual and topic seen mocking opinions and pinpointing will see a direct warning level increase of 20% and the topic shall be closed.

Name Calling: While criticizing something, there are times when members tend to go overboard and use certain derogatory and downright offensive words, which shouldn't be used for any sportsperson/member/DT member. Please remember that any derogatory references, comparing sports person/member to animal or name calling any person [sports person/member/DT member] is against forum rules, and strict action will be taken against those who indulge in it. Any abusive names are not allowed and will be edited or removed at the DT's discretion.

No Slangs/Swear words/Curses/ Profanity in Posts: The use of foul language is strictly prohibited on this forum. Whether the word is written in its complete format or abbreviated, it is still not allowed under any circumstances. This is a family friendly forum. Hence, anyone found using swear words, curses, slang's or profanity will have to face serious action. If members do come across such language, please do report the post. Use of such language will lead to warnings and warning level raised for repeat offenders.

No Moral Policing: Everyone is welcome to express their opinions within the forum rules and IF CoC. We would prefer members to stop preaching on the forum, telling members what to do what not to do. Let the moderators decide what is needed on this forum and what is not or what one member is allowed to do or not. You cannot stop someone from posting in any topic or making new topics. Do not become a moral police on the forum. If you find anyone breaching rules, please Report the topic and or contact the forum moderator. We will deal with the issue at the earliest possible. India-Forums is a platform to allow everyone to express their opinions freely within the CoC and respectable limitations. Members have the freedom to express their own perspective, which may disagree and or contradict someone else's point of view.

Editing Posts: As you all must be aware by the forum as well as IF rules, please abide to them while making comments. Sometimes certain thread reach many pages before coming to DT attention. On such threads, MODS are not liable to edit each and every comment, which is against the rules. Members should be accountable themselves on what they post and NOT hold the DT responsible for not editing such comments and closing the topic. Additionally, any post made with a sole intention for mocking and instigation which leads to ruckus in the forum will be trashed without a note. Additionally, when a title has been amended by a Dev Team or a note has been put into a members posts, please refrain from editing such posts, this will be seen as going against the code of conduct and the members will be reprimanded.

Before posting: Before starting a topic, please check the first 3 page of the forum. If a similar topic is already opened, comment there. All the similar topics opened later will be merged with the one opened first!

Morphed Pictures and Signatures: Please refrain from posting fake or morphed images intended to defame/ridicule /abuse any player or member. This includes posting animal images with the intent to be sarcastic and bash any member/player. Any morphing OR merging of the faces of celebrities onto existing (original) pictures from other sources are STRICTLY prohibited on It highly violates the copyrights of the original picture and such activity will not be tolerated! If anyone is seen to engage in such activity, they will receive raise in W/L without any further question. Furthermore, those morphed creations will be removed from the posts, immediately once it come into the development team's attention. Signatures attacking and taking dig at any fandom will not be tolerated. At all times *ATTN.- Guidelines/Rules/Specifications/etc* rules will apply towards any creations.

Use of Caps: Avoid using caps and big font for an entire sentence or post, as it represents shouting on a public forum. You can use caps to emphasize a word or two. But Using CAPS in the whole post and/or in all your post is not allowed.

Quoting: Please refrain from quoting long posts and/or multiple posts at once, as it lengthens the posts and may also alter the codes, making it difficult for the readers. If you wish to reply to a post by someone else, simply quote the member's post and delete the parts other than the ones you wish to address. You may also use @ followed by the member's name (for example: @Username: your point).

Multiple ID (MID): Code of Conduct strictly prohibits members from having multiple IDs. Please refrain from making MIDs, especially to bash players, characters, and/or or member. If ever convicted with having MIDs, all except the most active ID will be inactivated, followed by a raise in W/L to the active ID. And not every newbie is an MID - some are genuine members so do NOT attack members who belongs to newbie ladder by generalizing them as MIDs. If Members suspect MID, they are requested to contact DT. We DT will look into the matter but under no circumstances are members allowed to bully newbies or groupbies, claiming them as MIDs in the Forum. In addition, we kindly request members to refrain from creating MIDs purposely to cause chaos and fights between the members. If anyone is seen to engage in such activities, the original ID will get a warning level raise, and MIDs will be banned, without further question. IDs found trolling, creating unrest in the forum, will get banned & their topics, posts will be trashed.

Bringing physical attributes into discussion: Such negative posts are strict NO as far as IF rules go. Anyone now on wards found making negative posts on the physical appearances of a character/actor/fellow member will face strict action, even indirect mention of the matter will not be entertained.

Personal lives: Any topics or posts judging or commenting on the personal life of a player will not be allowed. Players' personal lives can be discussed ONLY if its published in media and members do have a source to verify it. Any other baseless speculations about the players' private life will not be TOLERATED.

Accounts, email addresses and personal pictures/information of players are not allowed to be posted or revealed unless they themselves give it. Remember it is their personal life and they would not feel comfortable. Also, posting your email address on open forum is not allowed - it really isn't safe as it gives an open invitation to spam attacks on your Email ID.

Issues on External Sites: We understand that social networking sites are an integral part of communication in the cyber world. And therefore we understand that Twitter/Facebook /Instagram accounts of players are religiously followed by fans for news/updates. Any personal discussions/issues occurring between members on external sites will NOT be allowed on IF.

Please refer here for further clarifications: External Content from Social Networking Sites.

Sharing Personal Information and Privacy: Additionally, Do not share your personal information with others on the net. If you are sharing any information with an unknown person you are doing that at your own risk. The conversation that takes place in private messages, face book, messenger between two people is between them and not to be shared in the open forum. Privacy and safety of members is of the prime importance in IF. If anyone is found sharing members private and personal content from other social networking site on IF, they will be held responsible for breaching privacy and should be prepared for the consequences.

Forum and Development Team related Issues: Do not bring forum issues into the threads under any circumstances. If you have any problems with any of the threads on the forum either report them or PM the Development team members of the forum. DO NOT create posts to discuss forum issues and DO NOT start discussing forum issues in threads already open.

The DT is not allowed to disclose what we are doing with certain threads or what action we are taking so please don't try to make judgments on our decisions because we just don't go through the topics you guys report but through EVERYTHING in that particular thread. Just because we don't highlight step by step as to which action was taken against which member, it doesn't mean action wasn't taken. If you have a problem, PM the Dev. Team members. Also once a DT member has posted a note on a thread regarding rule breaking, please refrain from further dragging the matter in the thread.

Reporting an Issue: Please do not report the same post more than once. Member reporting the same post multiple times will receive PM warning and if it continues there will be raise in Warning Level too. This rule certainly does not intend to discourage the members from reporting but often same post is reported multiple times from the same member. Please do understand that DT needs at least 24-48 hrs to work on the reported post and simply pressing the report button multiple times will only delay the process. Some situations demand the time and consultation of people and hence take time to get back.

Report Button/Response Time: Please keep in mind that the Moderators are also members like yourself. We would also want to have the time to make posts like yourself and discuss with our friends; and we also have a personal life. Meaning, we cannot be around to babysit the forum 24/7. Please allow a reasonable time frame of 48 hours. We try to address issues and respond to PMs and Reports as soon as we can get to them, but we request you to grant us some leverage as well. Instead of mass PMing it would appreciated if one person PM's the concerned DT with regards to the issue.

When reporting the issues, make sure you use the hierarchy. First it is Viewbies Viswasruti, SoniRita and Savera84, then Global Moderator shruti and then Admin Vijay.

Chatting: Members seem to be more into chatting so please reduce the personal chatting because we do have a chat club for that purpose so keep that in mind.

Avatar/Signature rules: India-forums has got many great talents and their creations tempt us to adorn our signature boxes. We want every members to take a look at the following new rules and abide by it:

*ATTN.- Guidelines/Rules/Specifications/etc*

Anyone who doesn't abide by the rules, will be asked to take down their signatures and may face consequences by the Development Team!

Refrain from posting fake or morphed images intended to defame/ ridicule /abuse any player &/member. This includes posting animal images with the intent to be sarcastic and bash any member/player. Signatures attacking taking dig at any fandom will not be tolerated. At all times Avatar & Signature Shop Rules rules will apply towards any creations.

No Provocative Signatures or DP Wars Allowed: Signature/DP war is NOT allowed among members. So please ensure that your signature or DP is directly or indirectly not pointing to any member on the forum, fan base or player. While posting signatures/videos ensure that none of the content carries any hate speech towards any Nationality/religion/region/ethnicity/race/community. No one is allowed advertising external blogs, sites using their signatures on IF, as that breaches forum rules. Similarly, using offensive signatures, in a manner to rile fan bases and start a signature war of sorts, is strictly prohibited. Any signature or DP which is derogatory or meant to create chaos in the forum will be removed immediately and if the member continues to display it then the offender will receive an increase in the Warning Level.

Regarding Abusive/Threatening PMs: Abusive and/or threatening PMs should be taken up directly with the DT or higher admins. Please do not make PM's public knowledge or use the forum as a way to target another member. It will not be tolerated and you will be held equally responsible as the other member.

In addition to the above mentioned section guidelines, at all times Participation Guidelines & Rules will be in effect. We hereby hope that all of you will abide by these rules.

Warning Levels (WL) and User Restrictions:

Any member who is found to be in violation of our Forum Rules and Code Of Conduct may be given a Warning Level increase as accessed by the Dev Team. Please note with each Warning Levels increase it will also restrict/limit the access to the forum features as given below:

20% - First warning, so members are given a chance, without any other restrictions

40% - Only 15 posts (replies in topics) can be made in a day

60% - No new topics can be created in addition to restrictions of 40% warning level

80% - Restricted PM access whereby PMs can ONLY be sent to Dev Team to resolve issues, in addition to restrictions of 60% warning level

100% - Automatically bans the member

Warning levels can only be reduced after 3 months if the member has been active with no new warning increase and has not violated any of our forum rules. Its not an automated feature and requires the member to send a request PM to lower the Warning Level to the Dev Team member who raised their warning level and in the event the PM goes unanswered for more then a week please contact the Global Moderator.

We hope to have everyone's understanding.


Sports and Cricket Forum DT

Edited by Viswasruti - 10 days ago