After observing Preeti's life I have just one question, why are women expected to do everything whether they want to or not. Why do women raise their sons like kings who can get away with being lazy and just about everything else under the roof. If anything I would expect women to raise their sons to respect women and walk hand in hand with their wives.
1. Preeti comes home and finds out about the mata ki chowki. She is expected to take care of everything related to the event without being informed about it ahead of time.
2. Preeti asks her husband to get a new gas cylinder and he just talks away on his phone and gives an who cares type of attitude. Then he gets away with it. (I don't know if he actually got the cylinder later or if Preeti had to get it herself)
To me it seems like Preeti is the "Man" of the house in this relationship and does just about everything. Does her husband have a job? I've just seen him sleeping or lazing around all day so far. I haven't seen the MIL much yet, but it seems like she doesn't have a problem with her son being the way he is.
I don't live in India so I can't speak for how gender roles are really defined in society, but from what I've seen on TV or heard from others it seems like there is a huge gap between how men and women are treated and how they should act. Are we still living in a heavily male dominated society? Will this trend ever change?
To me it seems like almost everyone I meet preaches about gender equality and its importance but no one does anything to instill it in the newer generations. How can we expect to bring about change if we never take the first step?