exactly! infact csam has always got better trps than kairi and sometimes even nbtnmak! I hate colors, they never promoted csam like other serials! leave aside mahaepisode, they never kept a special episode of csam for 45 min, neither did they air any new promo for so many weeks! And to top it all, they even stopped its repeat timings! Infact even after having no repeat and promos and inconsistant episodes, csam has maintained its trps! The worst part is even though the show is ending, they are still continuing to air it only 4 times a week! Further more even the episode airing time has reduced from 30 min to 27 min! Just imagine,had colors promoted this serial as well as madhubhala and parichay, the trp would have definately increased! Even madhubhala was gettting only 1.6 trp, but now its getting 2.7, thanks to the excellent promotion and special episodes! infact the creatives would never have changed it into a paranormal serial, had it got better trp! the creatives are no longer interested in keeping up the show, because they are not getting encouragement and enthusiasm! I feel indirectly colors channel is responsible for csam's downfall.
Edited by RAMKIARCHU - 12 years ago