Thanks a lot, hotchoco, for this (both) very interesting Sunday morning (here in Germany) read 😊
The first one made me sad because it reminds me of the way how in Germany the filmindustry also was pressurised to become a propaganda tool for the dictatorship of one party. Basically, Modi in some ways copies the politic of threatening and manipulating and indoctrinating in the same unapologetically inhuman way (kind of the father of the nation who punishes all those whodon't march or sing to his tunes). And he especially uses the tools that have the most visibility: social media, TV, YouTube and cinema (interestingly he concentrates on Hindi Cinema). 90 years before (in Germany), it was the hearing tool that was brought in every house through an affordable radio called "Volksempfänger" (national receiver)...
The second one, I liked because it tells about the importance, influence and impact ShahRukh has for/on Indian woman living in India. When I look at the fanstories I got sent for a book I made which came from various countries mainly outside of India and also from non desis, I see similarities but also other aspects not mentioned in this article. The "ShahRukh-effect" is - in effect - a phenomenon.