The magical number 7...
The magical number 7...
BV has aired its 1000th episode in Turkey.. And twitter is lit with Turkey fans writing praises for the man, Shivraj Shekhar ❤️
Wasn’t here for a week, IF has become so boring nowadays... the Site is new redesigned but everything else is the same: the same TRPs war, the same faces in the celebrities Top 10, the same overused quotes in CCs but as far as I know, there’s still no show which could create such a euphoric worldwide as it was in BV time, especially in the time of SY AnSh... that time wasn’t only BV golden time, it was IF golden time too... Turkey has many good actors, the best one and most charming and charismatic is Chagatay Ulusoy for sure, but who can resist Sid’s charm and charisma?! Everywhere in the world where BV was broadcast, people were immediately drawn into Sid’s irresistible spell... once you saw him, you can never get enough of him... no wonder Turkey is also in a state of Collector Sahab fever...✨💫
There’s no need to understand Turkish, the picture says more than the words...
The end of the time break... ⭐️
Originally posted by: NatalyMusketeer
The end of the time break... ⭐️
TFS Nataly😊
Sid is cool looking as he always does❤️
So true Sudha, it's a pleasure to watch him on-screen.. ❤️