Serendipity: TaaRey and Swaron (chapter 4, updated, pg 9)

coolove thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago

(Setting the context: Aditya and Ruhi aren't evil like in the show. Rey and Taani are still not over what he did even though she forgives him but she still feels she can't be with him. Swayam doesn't want to be with Sharon anymore, he wants to try new things)

This may get mature:

Taani felt hot. Not pretty, not cute, she simply felt hot. If her grandmother spotted her in the outfit she had donned. The word reaction would become the understatement of the year. Clothes like this were not acceptable from where she came. Moving to Mumbai had been a cultural shock, she just didn't except it to be different. The codes, ways and the people were just so foreign. She simply had come to get an education, then go home and become the perfect domesticated wife that she had been raised to be. But, oh was she wrong.

She didn't expect the change would make her into a new person two years on. With the key change being falling in love and then getting dumped. Taani felt the word dumped was graciously being used to describe her predicament. Regardless of this fact she had changed and liked it. In fact she loved herself. For the first time after being dumped, she felt liked she truly loved herself. That young conservative girl became a don't give a damn attitude type of girl. The world truly was her oyster. Probably that's why when Sneha mentioned the word nightclub her reaction was let's do it'. Rather than overreact and say the usual log kya kahenga". She officially had limited f*cks to give.

The club was overcrowded, Sneha had rightly ditched her to go to dance with her date. A quick glance around the room, she spotted Aditya, sitting idle by the bar. While looking at him, his gaze caught her before she could hide. Let's, face it he was hot. But none the less a player whose identity was defined with the number of girls he slept with. Her attempt to hide was based in the fact that she had felt a certain attraction towards him. During rehearsals she would always find herself looking at him. Oddly enough she would catch him doing the same without even realising it. He mirrored her reaction of surprise.

Taani walked up to him and took the empty seat beside him. "You, Taani are a bundle of surprises, I was certainly not expecting a girl like, and that too in a place like this" said Aditya in disbelief. "Why can't girls like me go into night clubs, is it banned for us?" she replied bitterly. "No, no it's just didn't except you to be the club type" Aditya replied smoothly. "Well, I usually don't, but today I was like why not?" said Taani. "I'm certainly glad to see you here, I was just kidding" Aditya said jokingly. Their banter certainly accentuated certain playfulness. She had missed this, even though it killed her to say this. She missed Rey. "Taani, Taani are you listening to me?" Aditya said while tapping on her shoulder. Taani shook out of her thought, which was a wrong ally to be on. "Just had a thought" said Taani with a certain sadness. "Is it about Rey, you both seem tense?" said Aditya empathetically. Taani saw red. She knew what ally Aditya was going on, she wasn't going allow it to happen. No more, would she be defined with the person who she was with. This had to change and she would prove it to herself. That she could. "No I was thinking what type of a player are you, who can't even get a girl drunk and then take her home, if you know what I mean?" Taani replied with confidence. Taani had stumped Aditya again, he chose to react with what she wanted. "Screw the drinks, we need to get you home" Aditya said. He grabbed her hand and led her to his car.


Swayam felt odd. He had enjoyed doing what he just did, surprisingly he didn't feel guilty. Was it a perquisite to be in love with the person you had sex with? He had felt this lingering tension with Ruhi, which ended up in sex. She was more than euthanistic around him. It felt nice to be liked with the same ferocity he had liked, sorry loved Sharon. Sharon the eternal love of his life, they had been through so much but it always ended bitterly. Swayam understood that she was different than most girls but it always ended with her humiliating him and then feeling sorry about it. He needed to try new things or maybe new people, they say that sex changes you. But, Swayam didn't feel changed, not that Ruhi was bad in bed. Its just society made it sound like an initiation point for men to stress their manhood. Swayam didn't need to do that. He wanted his first to be Sharon, always Sharon. But, realisation struck him. His life couldn't just be defined by the person he loved. She had become his muse, the gravity that kept him on the ground. "It's late, I should go" said Ruhi. Swayam looked at her, feeling ashamed that he was thinking of another women in bed. "I'm sorry, you could stay it's not that big of a deal" Swayam replied. "Buddy, you're insulting me, don't fake being in love with me just so you can clear your conscious" Ruhi said irritatingly. "'I'm not trying to do that... it's just I could fall in love with you" Swayam said earnestly. "You can't force yourself to be in love with someone, it's not how it works and babe we all know Sharon's your girl" Ruhi replied caringly. "If you know that then why did sleep with me?" Swayam inquired. "Well, I don't want to objectify you but to put it simply you're hot, and you keep improving each time" Ruhi replied cheerfully. Swayam looked at her again and smiled. "Well apart from the who I love debate that you and the group have going on', I had fun" Swayam replied mockingly. "Yes, same here" Ruhi said earnestly.

After changing Swayam walked her to the door. But, as soon as she opened to leave the door Taani came walking in. Taani was surprised at seeing her brother with Ruhi, she was no idiot. She clearly understood what had happened because clearly she had indulged in the same thing an hour ago. Accepting an ashamed reaction from her brother but instead saw him laughing. He looked happy. After seeing him moping around for days, she had accepted that he'd eventually get over Sharon's deceit and forgive her. But, this had thrown her off. Swayam spotted the time, this was new for Taani to come so late. "Should I be big brothery or are you going to tell why you are home so late" Swayam said jokingly. "I will, if you tell me what's going with Ruhi" Taani answered back. "How about this, you and me next five minutes pretend we're bffls who share everything and then never discuss it again" Swayam said seriously. Taani pondered over the suggestion for a minute and then remembered she still had an Indian brother. Would he be okay with her new found sexual liberation? Eh but did his opinion really matter, her sex life was her choosing. But, her brother was usually really cool. "Fine" said Taani begrudgingly. "I slept with Adi" Taani stated. "And I have been sleeping with Ruhi for the last month" said Swayam. They both contemplated in silence. "Well, I'm still an Indian brother so my reaction has to be nahiii" said Swayam humorously. Taani was genuinely surprised at his reaction, but oddly proud of his change. Months ago he would have fumed like her grandmother. "You okay with that?" asked Taani. "It's your life and I support your decision like always, JUST BE SAFE, do you love him?" Swayam asked supportingly. "I like him just as much you like Ruhi, love is dead for me, I did and failed at it" Taani replied sadly. "Don't worry you are just as much a failure as I am, I have been sleeping Ruhi for the last month and even she knows I'm still in love with Sharon. What about Rey?" Swayam asked seriously. "There's nothing their anymore and it's super late we should hit the bed" she replied.

Taani got up an easy way out of the most important question of her life, Rey. Swayam understood her annoyance he had felt it every the group questioned when was he going to forgive Sharon.


Rey felt a surge on anger through his body, he had officially heard the worst rumour in his life. It simply couldn't have been true, Sneha the big mouth had been saying the most outrageous thing he had ever heard. That Taani slept with Aditya. Even thinking it in his mind made him feel ashamed. Taani would never do something so low. He understood there was tension between them that didn't seem to go way. He had felt the bitterness in her come alive after what he did to her. Rey knew he was to blame for this new sense of cynicism in her. She had changed, you could see it in her walk. What previously was a shy and reserved girl was now a girl with accentuated confidence that previously could not be found. Rey rushed to the locker room to find Swayam and to confront him with what he had heard. "Swayam I need to talk, it's urgent" Rey said urgently. "Yeah sure, just give me a minute I need to get something from my locker" said Swayam. What Rey saw in Swayam's locker astounded him. Today was not a good day. First Taani's news and now this. What the f**k was happening to the Shekhawats?

"What the hell is that?" Rey asked aggressively.

"Dude, don't act dumb with me I'm sure you know those are condoms" said Swayam jokingly. "Um, I know that, but why would you need them... wait hold up unless" Rey asked seriously. "Well just like the rest of India I have needs believe it or not" Swayam replied. "Hold on... that means you're cheating on Sharon" said Rey. "No that would mean that we are in a relationship, which we aren't, I don't understand what the big deal is,it's just sex I mean even Ruhi didn't overreact as much as you are, and she's the one doing it with me" said Swayam calmly. "No big deal, I can't believe you of all would say something so ridiculous" said Rey. "No what's ridiculous is loving someone your entire life and then realising, f*ck I am a pervert that she said I was. Its true man, even I can't deny it, I was obsessed with her".

"You can't become obsessed with someone, love doesn't work like that, it's a relationship two equals share. How can I love Sharon when I think I'm beneath her in every single way, and so if sex is the way to get over her, so be it" Swayam said honestly. Rey was perplexed he had never seen Swayam so calm, at least in the case of Sharon. He just didn't know what to say anymore, how would Sharon react? "Sharon's my best friend I'm going to have to tell her about what's being going on" said Rey seriously. "That's fine, I completely understand" Swayam said. "I need to ask about Taani" Rey enquired. "Yes go on" Swayam replied. "Is she sleeping with Aditya?" Rey asked with a certain sorrow in his heart. The look of sympathy Swayam gave back was all he needed as an answer. Rey decided to walk away before his lost whatever was left of his dignity, to say he was angry would be an understatement. He felt the urge to go and rip Aditya's head of, but no that wouldn't solve the problem. Why would she do that to him? He knew she still loved him, he could see it when her eyes would soften while she would look at him.


Sharon couldn't accept what she had just overheard. Swayam was sleeping with Ruhi. The words kept repeating in her mind over and over again. The pain of those words had finally reached her heart. Why would he do that to her? She knew Swayam well enough to know that he wanted her to feel hurt, the point of him sleeping with Ruhi was to make her burn. Oh man had he succeeded. She could burn him alive and have a tanker of water right next to her. She still wouldn't use the water to save him. Sharon was the best at confrontations and that is what she was going to do, confront. She walked into the boys locker room and furiously hit him with her bag. "Ow, ow you're clearly mad at me but why?" Swayam replied fearfully. "I heard what you did with Ruhi, how dare you! How dare, you said you loved me?" Sharon said while still hitting with her bag. Swayam grabbed her by her wrists and pulled her towards him. "Okay first of all, it's none of your business, secondly its sex it's not that difficult to do and thirdly loving you has nothing to do with it. It's just I have realised I'm not going to do anything about loving you anymore. I'm done trying to win you and convince you." Swayam said while letting go of her wrists and pushing her away. "You know its times like these, I think you are a pervert and a leech of a guy who just doesn't get it" Sharon replied aggressively. "Well at least I'm a pervert who has great sex" Swayam replied coolly. "Why don't you get it, I love you" Sharon said earnestly with tears brimming in her eyes. "It's not enough, not anymore I have changed and you're still the same materialistic and narcissistic human being you were when I first laid eyes on you. I need someone who is consistent and who believes in me and our relationship" Swayam said while walking away from her. Sharon stood there while he walked away, she was going to have a fu*king nervous breakdown. She wasn't the same person, she had changed so much why he couldn't see that? She needed Rey, but where the hell was he?


Taani had a fun night with Aditya. It was weird because he approached her in the morning wondering if she had regretted what had happened. She reassured him that she didn't, but also told him that it was a one-time thing, which would never happen again. Taani suddenly felt her phone ring, she opened it to see a message from Rey. Odd, their relationship had been very tense since DNC. He wanted her back and she wanted nothing to do with him. She had forgiven him because secretly she knew he was right. But, it was no fault of her own being raised in an environment where domesticity was an acceptable career choice for a women. Taani now knew that he was trying to push her to greatness, but his technique to achieving it was awful. She felt humiliated. Rey wanted to see her in the fire escape, Taani felt her heart tingle. The fire escape had numerous memories for her. It also meant that Rey wanted to meet her for something significant, maybe he knew about what happened between her and Aditya. A part of her was excited to see how he would react, would he be irritated or jealous. Taani opened the latch and went in. Rey turned around with bloodshot eyes. He was mad. "Hi, what is it?" Taani asked professionally. "Well you should know that Sneha has been telling people about you and Aditya Sir" Rey said bitterly. "Is that all? Gosh you freaked me out I thought it was something important, can I go then?" she replied nonchalantly. "Wow Taani, you really have some nerve talking to your ex-boyfriend like that. The Taani I knew was scared to even hold my hand. Now look at you s**t*ing around with teachers" Rey replied while trying not to look at her. Rey knew sl*t shaming was a low even for him. "Wow Rey thank you especially since I was asking for your goddam opinion, you almost sound jealous. But the thing is that I don't care what you think. You know why because it's true I am as pathetic as you say I am. Even though I slept with Adi all I could think was how much I wanted it to be you. But, you just keep proving the reason why I left you. Thank you for proving to me why I'm the problem, I needed to hear that again. You screwed me up. You screwed me up so bad that I can't even believe in love anymore." Taani replied while trying not to hit him for being such a pig. Rey sat their while she stormed out of the fire escape and tried not to cry at his predicament. She was right he had been the instigator of this change and now he felt like he was going to lose her all over again. Rey needed Sharon, he needed his best friend.

Note: Hi, guys I may continue this based on responses. So please like and comment on this as much as you please. (Sorry about the mix up, I tried to edit and something went wrong). Thank you and lots of love.

Edited by coolove - 8 years ago


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aneesha93 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
This is an interesting writing. Its difficult to see Swayam act and behave this way. But really good work😃. Would love to read further. Do continue and please pm me.
Edited by aneesha93 - 9 years ago
VrushanianAdity thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
This is the first chapter.. and It does look really very intresting and promising.. I always have loved to read and write on the portagonist's chacter different from the actual D3.. and this just nailed that point of intrest for me.. And you know how awesome writer you are.. Do continue this.. Would love to read more.. :)
swaronaaliya thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Hey its look continue.
skfirdous thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
its look continue soon pm me
coolove thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Hi guys,
I am just about to update, please note some things,
- some things in this chapter and story may conflict with the shape of your characters, the aim of this fanfic/story is to challenge these notions and show a different side
- this may be extreme- but I promise at the end of the day all ships will be end up together
- On a funny note Swayam will not have his bike anymore, I have decided to give him a car
- thirdly, thank you for your response I am glad that all still love this show as much as I do and want to keep this fandom alive

I will pm you all as well, I'm new at this I will try to do that asap
lots of love and take care
coolove thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Chapter 2:

kiyun kho gaey woh lamhe, kahaan kho gaey woh lamhe, rishton ke woh silsile
kahaan kho gaey woh lamhe' - Daam by Zeb and Haniya

There are times in your life when all you need is your best friend; no matter how many tears need to fall it's the only safe haven one has. This was what Sharon and Rey both wanted, so when Sharon called Rey up in the evening, he didn't hesitate even for a second to invite her over. Her voice shook with sadness, and his voice replied with equal empathy. She was over his house as fast as she could, not realising how irrationally she had driven, and probably put the lives of the many innocent pedestrians at risk. Who gave a fu*k she thought. Rey had already set up the lounge with his fathers best scotch laid out as if for a charity event. He even sent kaka away so they could grieve in isolation, and also so there weren't unwanted reports being sent to his father about his spiral down tonight. Sharon walked in with her eyes blood shot, and very closely resembling Rey's. She saw the scotch laid out on the table, but then looked into Rey's eyes with sympathy.

"I don't know what else to do Sharon? I thought this might help." Rey looked ashamed while holding the bottle, and also that he was offering her such a Manly' drink, that too in such a fu*ked up situation.

"Anything that eases the pain Rey." She replied monotonously.

He offered her the glass, "with water or soda?"

She looked at him almost saying seriously', instead she just said, "I'll take it neat today."

He poured till half her tumbler glass was full, and he himself took a swing straight from the bottle. The burning of the bitter liquid was initially difficult to gulp, they weren't regular drinkers after all, just rare ones. But with every sip it became easier, sweeter, and almost meditative to their burnt soul.

Sharon laid back on the couch next to him and kept looking up, they were trying to find peace within the silence.

"He said that he has been doing it with her for over a month." She stated looking blankly at the wall.

He turned to look at her, but still wasn't sure what to say to her.

"He says he has been enjoying himself,"

"Imagine that? Swayam Fu*king Shikawat has been enjoying himself doing the dirty deed" She laughed slowly, and then harder, and then much harder.

"You know what Rey, I used to think what girl would want to sleep with that looser, turns out apparently there are plenty..."

"And I joined that unfortunate group too."

Now the laughter wasn't of surprise but just bitterness, with eyes welling to the brims.

He put his hand on hers, yet not letting go of his scotch.

He didn't have much to say, after all what could he say, but he could take another good swing at the bottle.

Sharon suddenly tapped him on the shoulder, "don't drink it all yourself, pour me more, I have only just started."

And the night had truly just begun.

Sharon made sure to take equal amounts of the scotch as he was depleting it from the bottle, loosing from men was never an option, even in the moments of sorrow. Rey finally decided to pour his fears out.

"I still love her," his speech slurred but emotion still strong.

She smiled back in pity, "I know."

"Maybe she enjoyed it." Rey said aimlessly.

Sharon surprised, "enjoyed what?" Her speech slurring even more by the second.

"Having sex with Aditya. She says she loves me and then sleeps with that loser what kind of person does that." Rey replied with eyes burning.

Sharon looked back at the wall, "who knows, he has nicely built arms."

Rey looked in disgust at Sharon, who was now casually staring at the celling, "nicely built arms? Really?"

Sharon laughed with intoxication taking her over, "oh you know girls love that, men with strong arms, and men that are all over protective, its too cute." Giggling like a schoolgirl she got up and snatched his bottle.

"Hey that's mine!" Rey chased after her.

Sharon by then had gulped down another half glass, she had stopped counting so why not take the bottle she thought.

"Come to think of it, Aditya has a nice torso too, and oh that jawline, Gods gift to women I tell you." Sharon kept gushing like a tween, but she knew she was trying to irritate Rey.

Rey snatched the bottle back from her, "oh really, you seem to have been checking him out quite well."

And then she got the bottle back again, taking a quick sip she slurred, "please dance class is only just ogling him. I would screw him over and over again."

That's it Rey had enough. He snatched the bottle, gulped what ever was left inside it. "Just SHUT UP," as he took his final sip.

She laughed, she was under his skin and the alcohol was making it all blurry, "lets dance Rey, we dance when we are happy, lets dedicate this one to our tragic love life." Clearly not in her sense Sharon got up on the sofa seats and started to move her intoxicated body.

"Now don't make say no music', pump the radio up and lets dance!" While leaping from one couch to another.

Rey was just bewildered at what was happening, clearly Sharon never drank often or either this much, she was completely out of it, but then so was he. Because the in common senses Rey' would have stopped her and gotten her down, but instead he went to plug his stereo on and play whatever the the radio stations had going.

He amped the music up high, and then went to his father's liquor cabinet to get another expensive gem.

Sharon all the while was still jumping on the couches like a deranged kid, making random acrobatic leaps to convince her self that she was still dancing. He had cracked open the second bottle and joined her in the erratic jumping. Just then the music changed, and song to Aashique Banya Apne.

Sharon bucked in splits of laughter, "Rey, maybe they had sex on this song." Uncontrollably she fell on the couch, while Rey actually got worried had she collapsed.

"Oye, are you okay? Seriously get down back on the floor."

She was still giggling, putting her arms around him she brought him close.

"In all honestly Rey, I don't know what Taani saw in Aditya, if I were her I wouldn't be able to look past you at all."

Then they don't know what exactly happened, was it her words that made him inch closer, or was she the one to pull him by the collar and lengthen that kiss. It was all blurry, but they knew the kissing had to stop, but that's just it, it didn't.

He pushed it further, and she never hesitated or indicated that she wanted it to stop. They were just doing what they thought they should be doing. The kissing just became more ferocious, and then Rey knew it was time to take it to his bedroom. He lifted her with one swift move and took her inside.


The next morning was a haze; the headache was loud and banging continuously. Sharon's eyes finally cleared vision and she realised her worst nightmare had officially come true. Her clothes discarded on the floor, every single piece that she was wearing. Her body covered only partially with half a sheet.

FU*K! There wasn't a more appropriate time to use the curse word.

By this time Rey had already woken up as well, and the same vision was bestowed upon him. "Oh Fu*k!"

They looked at each her, Sharon trying to cover herself to the best of her ability.

They both knew what they had done, the events of last night slowly returning to them in the form of memory. She just kept wishing it wasn't true, but it was.

"I don't know what to say Sharon," he truly didn't.

"Please just let me get dressed," her eyes brimming with shame and regret.

Rey quickly covered himself and left the room to give Sharon some space.

As soon as the door shut Sharon's tears flooded through. She was devastated and in pain, this was not how things were supposed to happen.

She picked up the clothes in hope to pick up her dignity as well, but met no luck.

As soon as she came out she saw Rey with some water and tablets held for her, "take this for the headache."

She did, quietly and obediently since her head was still blasting off.

"Sharon I don't know where to even begin apologising to you."

She looked at his sorrowful eyes, "I was in it to, and this isn't just your fault. Its mine as well."

She kept searching for something more, but nothing came.

"You're my best friend Sharon, and I wasn't supposed to do this to you. Not ever, I don't know how you can even look at me."

She looked up, "don't take the blame, we were just desperate to heal and we ended up doing this."

"Are you okay? I know it's a stupid question, but I know it was your first time." Rey didn't want to overstep.

She looked away, as if more embarrassment was even possible, "I'll be fine Rey, after all it was going to happen some day right?"

She tried smiling, but he didn't even attempt to, he saw right through her, she was broken and devastated.

"Maybe just take the day off today and go home, I'll take you back." Rey insisted.

"Its okay Rey, I'm all good. And don't worry I have allot of work at college so I need to go there anyway. I'll head back home first and then see you at college."

She didn't wait much for his response, but left with her purse to frantically search for her keys.

Rey stood there with regret pouring through his eyes with what he had done to her last night, the alcohol wasn't kind to him, and he knew, he wasn't at all kind to her.

Sharon scurried back to her home, didn't wait for the domestic helper to even properly open the door and ran to the shower. She had never truly felt so dam dirty, of all the things she did before, this was the lowest she had ever felt. She scrubbed and scrubbed until her skin was flaming red with hot water crisply burning it even more. It was oddly soothing, and maybe even slightly cleansing.

She got ready for college made sure to wear jeans and top that covered her arms, her deeds from last night did not need to go public, even is she looked like she was a widow.


Taani was standing in the hall way when Rey saw her, she had to talk to him about what happened yesterday. "Rey, Rey I need to talk to you" Taani said. Rey tried to escape her before she could talk to him, but he knew that would be pointless. She could always pick up on his lies. "Yeah what is it?" Rey inquired. "I want to apologise for yesterday, you called on my bullsh*t lying and I freaked out on you" Taani said earnestly. Rey squirmed in guilt. "It's okay we all do things that don't make sense to others but we do them anyway" Rey replied. "These last couple of months have been tough for me and I don't want that anymore. Not because of you but I just couldn't deal with your rejection and that's why this new bitchy persona came to be. Its humiliating for me to say this, I'm not apologetic about sleeping with someone else but for the fact that we couldn't resolve our issues before. I still love you and always will but you don't understand how humiliated I felt when you dumped me to me to become more independent. Yes, I know you did it because you love me but it sucked and especially since you teamed with Sharon to do it. That is all I wanted to say and now that I have, it's up to you. Whatever your decision is I support it but I hope we can at least be respectful to each other" said Taani sincerely. Rey felt a weight in his gut. For the first time Taani had opened her heart out to him. He felt proud of this new person. But, God did her timing suck. He didn't know what to say except silence. Taani had a tint of hopefulness in her brown eyes which he hadn't seen in the last couple of months. Gosh Rey loved her. "I need some time" Rey replied because he couldn't blurt out the horrid thing that had happened in the morning. "That's fine, take all the time you need" Taani replied kindly. Rey walked away and decided to go straight to class and pretend that his life wasn't shattering in front of him.

Sharon drove with stuttering confidence, but parked and silently prayed for the day to be over quickly. She sat at her usual spot in class, making sure to be isolated as long as she could. It didn't take long for everyone to start pouring in, Swayam sat at his usual spot, while Rey walked in last. His eyes not being able to directly meet Sharon's, Swayam did notice the unusual look, but chose to ignore it.

Sharon had successfully made it through nearly the entire day, but not without its struggles. She was becoming breathless because the anxiety was getting to her, rushing to her locker to get her asthma puffer. She pumped the compressed air to give her some much-needed relief, but only to realise that Rey was right behind her soothing her back. She jerked at his touch and stepped away.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done that." He frantically apologised.

She stood silently for a second and nodded calmly.

"Its okay, you just startled me." She replied with shock evident in her voice.

He wasn't moving much, but just intently staring at her fragile form.

"I have officially fallen in my eyes, Taani came to me and tried to fix things. I just didn't know what to say. " He was scared to officially loose his best friend and the girl he loved.

"Did you tell her what happened, no one can find out do you hear me?" Sharon asked frantically. "No, no of course not don't be stupid but gosh I have screwed up again and you're disgusted at me Sharon, I know you are.

No, No Rey, please you're the only one person who gives a dam about me. I am just still shocked at what happened. I am sorry for reacting this way, its just ..."

He stopped her from saying anything more, "I know I hurt you Sharon, you don't have to lie to me." He was pleading for redemption, but she refused to even acknowledge him as guilty.

"No you didn't. We had sex Ray, you didn't rape me. As far as I remember, I completely consented to everything that happened." Sharon made sure to say it loud and clear so he wouldn't guilt trip himself anymore than he was. She was the only one there so she knew she could talk about it.

Their conversation didn't end there, Rey was genuinely concerned about her, he didn't know if she could even lie to him. He always saw right through her. "Can I please take you home? You're clearly stressed and that's why you needed your puffer again today. I am sure all you needed to get done is over."

And there it was the Rey she had always trusted, at least he still treated her the same way regardless of what happened. She was relieved about that at least.

She lightly nodded, and sighed her some relief. Walking her out of the lockers they headed towards her car.

What neither of them realised was that somebody else was in the adjacent room that they never noticed. Vicky had heard the very end of conversation very clearly and realised what had happened. Now it really seemed that things were about to change.


Swayam, Simmi and everyone else were siting in the canteen, it was quite and everyone knew why. As if Swayam's revelation wasn't enough, Taani's brought an earthquake. Vicky got himself a chair and thought they needed to lighten the mood a little.

"So Swayam, you and Ruhi aye? Who saw that coming?" he finished with a half-hearted laugh that was just received with silence from the entire table.

There times where the word Awkward' is an understatement, and this was one of them.

"Um.. firstly she isn't my girlfriend, and secondly its none of your business." Swayam was annoyed, but the whole table was pitch silent.

Vicky still not letting go, "hey man, its all good. Like seriously it's good to see everyone moving on, it's nice change to be running after unattainable people, and instead going for someone within your reach."

Swayam got up in anger, "what did you say? No seriously what did you say?" Swayam was going to go for Vicky's collar, but being the stronger opponent he got up as well.

"Hey chill man, all I said that is good that everyone is moving on. What the big deal."

That's where Simmi interjected, "what do you mean everyone? Its just Swayam and Taani, Vicky get your facts straight."

Vicky looked Smmi in the eye and flatly stated what was going to stir everyone up on the table, "maybe you should know where your best friend is up to these days, or maybe last night. Heard she was banging Rey from her own mouth."

What followed next were gasps from the entire table, except Swayam who stood there silently. They didn't know how long he stood there, but it was safe to say that no one was keeping a count.

Simmi tapped him on the shoulder, "are you okay?"

His eyes looked confused but he was able to perfectly say, "Why wouldn't I be."

He walked back to his car, but instead of driving it, he just stood there in despair. It wasn't supposed to hurt, but it still did. If this was payback I suppose she succeeded, but damn if he was going to let it show. He got onto his car and headed straight to the lion's den; Sharon Rai Parkash's home.

He rang the bell like any mannered guest, but none other than Reyaansh Singhania opened the door admits his domesticity, "Sharon drink up the tea, I'll see who's at the door."

Great' Swayam thought, they didn't take long to play house. Rey was stumped at seeing Swayam at the door, but not impolite as he let him inside. Sharon though was shocked at seeing him there, he was the last person she wanted to see today, or ever really at the state they were.

"I just came to say Vicky has made your new found love public, he seems to have heard you guys talking today."

Sharon's cup fell, and that was all that Swayam needed for confirmation. It was all true. Rey covered his face with his hands, Swayam just stood there and watched them.

What then shocked Rey was that Swayam was so calm, how the fu*k was he calm even upon finding out he slept with his muse?

"You have anything more to say?" Rey hoping to tug into some human emotion that Swayam used to have.

"Not really", He turned to leave out the door but then stopped.

"Actually on second thought, yeah maybe I do have something to say. I learned something really valuable, and that is that you two saved the social hierarchy of the world, you restored true balance you two. Beautiful and popular people should always end up with their equals, its only right. Why must the world miss out on little narcissistic and arrogant Reys and Sharons."


And with that he left the house, with his heart burning with anger and eyes just waiting to pour out a sea. He stopped his car while still on his way home, he realised he needed to control Taani and warn her before she found out. Swayam feared the thought of her reverting back to that dark place she had gone into before DNC. The thought of losing his sister like that scared him beyond his imagination. He needed to make sure she was okay, but before he had to calm himself. He dug into his pocket and took out a packet of what looked like colourful pills, resembled harmless lollies but only he knew the power they held. They were his true saviours along with Ruhi for the past month. He took two of the LSD pills and shoved them down his throat, what was to come next he would deal with.

note: Hope you enjoyed this chapter, please like and comment. I will update the next chapter very soon but based on response.

Edited by coolove - 9 years ago
aneesha93 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Rey and Sharon😲. It was expected though after they began drinking. This FF is so damn interesting. Swayam's state! What will Taani do if she finds out???? Oh, my... Awesome update
Thanks for the pm
vrishan thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
awesome update
i love this story
its so interesting
rey n sharon😕
waiting for taani reaction
pls update soon
swaronaaliya thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Hey nice update.Update next soon.