nice sig sweet @s candy [sorry i donno yr name 😳].. its really cute.. and congrats for bein a goldie 👏 👏
thnx its sammy
ok long tym i aint been here remember me! [im hypa lol]
nyway im bak with sumthin new [dono if its posted b4]
The head that grew up
Early on SRGMP when we saw Aditya Narayan he looked poky and nervous. He issued verbal jabs more than he hosted - it sounded like he was reciting carefully rehearsed lines and then getting the hell off camera. Instead of owning his show, he let it take him by the scruff of the neck.
And I've made fun of him all season, which leads me to say a few nice things about him now that the show is over.
On the show itself, his passive hosting allowed the gurus and contestants to take center stage. Yes, he was wooden (hey that acting career might be a problem, son) and asked the same darn question of everyone over and over again but he did a mean dance and he didn't sing bad either.
More importantly, he had an amiable presence - smiling his way through almost everything and leading several of those terrific, uncoordinated opening dances. Often guests on the show would strike up a banter with him - highlighting him in ways no host could hope for.
For all his timidness, Head came into his own when it mattered the most - in the Grand Finale.
Hosting a huge, long, live show with panache, he kept a good leash on it - often filling in blank spaces by moving things along. He had time to engineer a touching father-son moment and cranked out a couple of mimed song and dances.
In a fine homage to SRGMP's cheesiness, he pretended to play the piano and left in mid-key to grab a couple of backup dancers' baahein.
When Himesh was basking in Aneek's win by issuing another long bhaashan, Head deftly put the spotlight on the guy who finished second - Raja Hasan. And very pointedly touted him as the perennial favorite. Later he veritably cut off Himesh when he had outstayed his welcome - talking over him and leaving the winning guru blurting life lessons into a dead mike.
Good work Head! Show Grade: B. Finale Grade: A
and ges wot i found
its funi!😆
Originally posted by: hotaditya
WOW pinkzi! the best article...did u rite it? WOW IT WAS GOOD!!! n the pics oh man!! 😆 AMANAT I NEED MY COMB AGIAN!!??? lmao wow that is good. 😆
lol nah didnt write it i fount it on a website
PLz rely to my topic.. its a fun topic about Adi....