wondeful post by renowned mythologist Devdutt Patnaik
FAQ on myth and mythology for those interested
What is myth?
Myth is the assumption that shapes our life. We can call it belief. Or subjective truth. It can be personal or belong to a community or organization. For the believer, the assumption is true. For the rest, it is not.
What is mythology?
Stories, symbols and rituals that express myth.
Why is myth associated with falsehood?
Because assumptions are indifferent to rationality and evidence; this is especially evident in the fantastic and inexplicable nature of stories, symbols and rituals that communicate them; in scientific framework: all that is irrational is not true.
Can myth be secular?
Yes, nation state, and atheism, are secular myths.
Why does myth exist?
Because humans imagine; no other animal can. Because of imagination we wonder why we exist and what is the purpose of our life. Nature does not provide this. So we rely on assumptions β transmitted through stories, symbols and rituals over generations. These assumptions grant structure to our world and direction to our life.
Where does no myth exist?
Where there is no imagination, hence no humans. Where there are humans, there is myth.
What is culture?
Human organization based on an assumption. This assumption shapes the culture's design β its rituals (festivals, customs, practices), its symbols (costumes, architecture, music), its stories (epics).
What is religion?
An organization based on the assumption that grants authority to either a supernatural entity (God) or to a wise sage, from whom spring a set of rules.
How do you decode mythology?
By comparing them in the following ways:
1. STRUCTURAL Reveals structure of the story/ritual/symbol through comparison and contrast
2. PSYCHOANALYTICAL Reveals underlying fears, conflicts and resolution through transformation of characters and catalysts to this transformation (hero myth or mono myth)
3. PROTO HISTORY Coded memory of past events
Major myths of the world?
1. There is only one life/truth/God
2. There is rebirth/liberation
3. There are gods/demons who control the universe
4. There is soul/aliens/God out there
5. Divinity is within me / I am a hero
6. This is the centre of the world
7. One day all problems will be solved
8. One day the world will end
9. This is my country/property/spouse/child
10. I have rights/duties