I don't understand the superiority complex of vegetarians either.....
she looks Moti ??something is different ???
the ladies how they fight for water in india--she excatly looks one of thematleast these ladies have reason
Swara just had a baby.......great making fun of her and the poor women who walk so many miles to get water for their basic needs.....
Angry? She’s just making a valid point.
Let them eat veggies and leave the chicken for us
We dont know if she is married or not, we dont know if she has a baby or not---not interested in her personal or professional life------lady keeps fighting --we only know her blah, blah---
She thinks vegetarians are bad… she hasnt met a vegan.😂😂😂 they sit on the highest horse looking down on us herbivores.
and Lol, being righteous and Vegetarian is like a right of passage 😂😂😂😂 never met one who wasn’t a tad smug about it (myself included). Vegetarians always trying to be différent but trying not to make it their entire personality like vegans.
If a person become vegetarian or vegan, good for them but what I don’t like is shaming someone. I have not checked the video or article but giving education to other people is always a good start.