Originally posted by: Bekind
😮 wow. How come no one exposing him and he still making millions of dollars. I am shocked how much work he stolen and called it his.
It's not just his plagiarism, lying about his past. His expensive course, which they currently provide, didn't have credentials as they claimed (removed after the expose).
Updated my original response:
The Guardian did investigative journalism on him recently and uncovered his past and present (the inconsistencies of his monkhood time and location, his association with ISKON, which he rarely mentions, and most importantly, his $7000+ course, which they implied has master's value, Ofqual regulated and affiliated with universities but not, etc.).
It all started with the journalist (John McDermott), who expected to write a profile feature about him for Esquire and attended one of his shows, which made him uncomfortable. Mr Shetty's PR and the legal team tried their best to prevent this story from coming out even before the journalist completed the article since they learned that the journalist was asking around about Mr Shetty's past, and they were successful a few times. It took a year. Finally, The Guardian picked it up.
Edited by radix - 5 months ago