Originally posted by: Moodyblue
So when movies on holocaust of jews are made do they villainize germans? What happened , happened. You know my mother was pregnant with me when she ran off from kashmir and my brother was 3 years old, even while we were running away the locals pelted the bus with stones, some even tried to stop it and enter it. the bus didn't have any armed people. But we narrowly escaped.
Vk may be a piece of turd but he was the only one who made this movie.
Never denied the truth of what you are saying..elsewhere in other posts and Agnihotri threads (which suddenly seem to mushrooming on IF) I have emphasised that the most important thing is to acknowledge the pain, loss and suffering that families like yours went through. As much as I detest Anupam Uncle and his opportunism (he shifts political allegiances like the wind), I can totally understand his desire to associate with this project given his heritage
But this can also be done without serving any one's agenda and purely telling the truth- which is what I think VVC did in his movie. The pain, loss, suffering and even the way neighbours turned on each other was heinous, but what of the deeper political forces that made it happen? What about Jagmohan?
And to answer your question, in a film about the holocaust, certainly the Germans of the 1940s should be correctly depicted as they were and the pain and loss of the jews should be acknowledged and empathised with.
But when this tragedy is used in the current day by a ruling party, an elected govt, not to empathise with the aggrieved people or even get them redressal, but to opportunistically berate the (Germans) of a different era, then I think it should be called out, most of all by people like you and me, who in fact DO NOT want a repeat of any kind of demonization of any community.
I hope you understand what I am trying to say, because I'm sincerely sorry about what your family and countless others would have gone through and never should anyone minimise that loss. But independent of that, the way this tragedy is being co-opted by turds like Agnihotri and his ilk is also a disservice (IMO) and should be called out.