Though I appreciate his post and how he shed light on some important topics, I’m just about at my wits end with the constant suicide shaming that happens due to ignorance. I’m not saying that it’s intentional but it isn’t helpful in bringing awareness to the issue if you are going to downplay the act as merely a bad decision. It is so much more complex than that.
Let’s consider something here and put it into perspective. You have a severe peanut allergy and once consumed, in a matter of second or minutes you can go into anaphylaxis shock. You accidentally eat a dish that has peanuts and within seconds you start to feel itchy, your throat begins to feel tight and you realise that it’s becoming harder to breathe. A sudden drop of blood pressure has you feeling extremely dizzy and at this point you’re fighting to remain conscious. Your heart is beating frantically, but the panic is starting to become worse. You can’t breathe. The swelling of your airways is making you gasp for breath, it feels like you’re going to suffocate to death. Without an epipen, if essential medical care is not received than within 15-20 minutes may result in fatality. Now imagine the terror of this situation. You can’t breathe, your throat is closing up on you. You can’t breathe! Could you imagine how terrifying the prospect of death is? Who would willingly want to experience that right? Well that’s not how it works with someone suffering from major depression.
With the diagnosis of Depression, the individual may be suffering from depressed mood and/or no longer find joy in activities that they once loved. They may deal with sleep disturbances, appetite loss or change, lethargy, feelings of worthlessness, diminished ability to think or make decisions, and may have recurrent thoughts of death/suicide ideation. You are dealing with ruminative thoughts ‘I’m a failure. It’s my fault. Nothing good ever happens to me. I’m worthless. Life’s not worth living. People would be better off without me’. Nobody enjoys having that kind of thought process. No one willingly makes themselves that miserable. Do you think people suffering from depression want to feel miserable all the time? Do you think they want to feel hopeless? Do you think they want to be in pain everyday? Doesn’t everyone want to feel in control of their lives, thoughts and emotions? You can’t just tell someone with depression to snap out of it, and to think about their family/friends and fans. Sushant would have loved his family, friends and fans. He would have thought about them. But he was living with the pain and the spiral of dark thoughts. In situations like this, people feel alone. Can you take into perspective how less precious life can feel for someone with depression, especially when they feel hopeless and can no longer see a future. The pain, the sadness, the thoughts, can become burdensome to them. They start to believe that they have become a burden to others.
Prior to his diagnosis or before his condition worsened, Sushant would have probably thought the same as Vivek with the quote ‘death is not the answer’. But as the ruminative thoughts increases and everyday of living with the pain starts to feel burdensome, suicide can be perceived as the only solution. Of course, we who cannot truly empathise with his condition, can see multiple avenues of help and support that could have been available to him. However if you educate yourselves in the prognosis of depression, you would know that people with this condition experience difficulty thinking, concentrating and making decisions. At times, the negative thoughts and the low mood takes over your life and it becomes difficult to break out of it. Especially taking into consideration that lock-down not only forces you into isolation but dangerously limits progress for vulnerable people like Sushant. For him, ending his life may have been perceived as the only way to stop feeling the pain anymore. Unless diagnosed with depression, nobody and I repeat nobody can even imagine the extent of pain a person must be suffering for them to seek death as a way to end it. My heart screams in sorrow knowing that a person is capable of feeling that level of hopelessness.
I appreciate the sentiments Vivek tried to portray in his post. But please educate yourselves in this matter before posting about it. Learn how to identify the signs of suicide ideation rather than preaching about it not being the solution. You are not suffering from depression. Suicide is not the solution for you. Sushant was suffering from depression. Suicide may have been the only solution that he could think of. When you can’t put yourself in someone else’s shoes than at the very least don’t shame the act with ignorance. Start thinking about why suicide became an option for him. Educate yourself on understanding the condition. Learn about what kind of support should be given and what the signs/symptoms look like. Maybe with that knowledge, we can save a life instead.
Edited by FingerFetish - 4 years ago