It's funny to find so many hypocrite voices sing together here. Converting religion for marriage sake is not accepting the person as she/he is, losing identity etc. Yes, I agree. What about changing the surname after marriage?? Since birth till the marriage living with one surname and suddenly changing into husband's isn't losing identity? Is it accepting the woman as she is? Changing of name after marriage happens some castes of Hindus. Come down south, the GSB caste, same caste Deepika Padukone belongs to, woman is renamed on the day of marriage by in-laws. Isn't that losing identity??
P.S: While I agree it's rarest of rare to see non-conversion when marrying a Muslim, I don't agree that same is the case with marrying a Catholic Christian, I am married to one and haven't been asked to convert my religion even once. Have seen many similar cases like me.
Hi I think a lot of girls here who ranted about erasing of birth relgion have spoken against surname change post marriage too in the earlier pages :)