Originally posted by: Ranbirrocks
I wish I had not clicked on the topic.
The comments are beyond disgusting🤢. It is upsetting to see that such sick people exist.I wish there was a way by which these people's mothers could see what their sons/daughters write on internet about breast feeding.No comments. Internet anonymity brings out worst in some people.If you are sensitive, don't click on the link please.
I don't have time to read the story, but what kind of awareness is created by this ? i know i'll be on firing end for this comment
Breastfeeding is wonderful and natural thing but not everything needs to be posted on FB/insta. If she can cover up and have her baby in her hand, people will still get that she is breastfeeding her baby. UNICEF and WHO are promoting it, they have message in it and it clearly says what needs to be done. Anyways its her choice.
It's breast feeding week. She is probably doing it to promote this and healthy breast feeding and stigma free. Ironically she's receiving backlash for the same.