Episode started with MnM (Malini and Mangal) full on drama both throwing “khichar” on each other’s child - Your son is a gooda, your daughter has eloped with her yaar...these two mothers are way too aggressive and annoying. 🙄
It was nice though to see Shiva going to Mallu aayi and calming her down with so much respect and patience. The man may be a goon and a puppet in Akka bai’s hands but he has a HEART and EMPATHY.
Now Jahnvi...annoying, chipku and delusional Jahnvi!!😠
Shiva is a gentleman and I can see him getting in trouble with this woman. How cunningly she said to shiva’s dad that it was Shiva who started the conversation.
She is not getting it...and kept talking about the past and would give constipated look everytime Shiva would set the facts straight. Shiva Lashkare is a gentleman and cannot tell you upfront but we can!! Just $@&@ off!!🤭He has moved on and doesn’t want to have anything with you.
Precap: did anyone miss Akka bai? She is back!! 🙄