OMG🤪..when they returned home from Vrindavan Ani to Bon - aao paer chute hain... (kaka ke)🤣
Jode se paer chuye kaka ke🤪❤️. Anirudh is full on gone man🤪🤣 ab he wants couple paer chuna😆
Bon looks so pretty and mature in new hair style❤️
Welcome to the new vamp/mini part 2 "SAMPOO DIDI" she'll be worse than mini as she's daughter of mami after all..😵
Bondita is classic example of "Aa bail mujhe maar" iss baar bhi madam decided to take sampoo to RC mansion and her JKG husband was as usual "HA BONDITA" aajse sampoo will live with us😵
Anirudh should start calling sampoo as Didi.. I hope ye dore na dale Ani pe...chances are high ki dalegi🤪🤣
Thank god today they showed fbs of Saurabh with all Anirudh Bondita and sampoo💔😭
Btw Bondita asks Anirudh about sati and uska jo fbs start hua woh Rudhita shadi pe hi jake ruka🤪. I was like she asked only about sati ye kyu shadi rasm tak gya fb mein🤪🤣
I love how Anirudh takes Bondita with himself everywhere 🤪🤣 akele nahi chodta biwi ko na khud akela kahi jata🤣 he's always like "main aur Bondita"😆 next time ye "main" bole I'll add "aur Bondita" usse pehle 🤪🤣
Now start "mumma" track asap🤪