I was just researching a bit about the dvd making process. I think they can really pull this off. DVDs cost next to nothing these days. I but them in large packs and each comes down to 10p/ DVD. The quality is 480p (standard TV), not 720p blueray. so they should be able to put in around 10 episodes (without commercials) onto 1 dvd (8.4GB would be best). Sarabhai had around 70 episodes max for its first season. so that's 7 dvds, i think there should be one for like special behind the scenes, makings, interviews, you know extra bonus features. so they should have 8 disc special for the 1st season. It would be perfect.
Now for 8 dvds considering the dics cost/productions/packaging, i think it should cost them around 5 pounds to actually make 1 set. I am willing to pay around 25-30 pound, for the full season 1 set. this way, i get the dvds, good quality, get to watch it whenever i want (i have seen many episodes multiple times, of khichdi sarabhai and baa bahu), so i can keep it forever. and hatsoff get their profit. 2 birds with one stone. I am willing to pay more for the baa bahu ones cause there are loads more episodes for that.
Now i know this isn't the only costs, most work is done and most cost goes in authoring and encoding process, and that they charge a lot. but if we get like a few thousand people willing to buy the dvds, then it would be no loss to Hatsoff. And I'm quite sure that they will release Khichd-EBLS (movie) dvds, so they must have someone working on the dvd already, so why not these as well.
Sure, there are sites available to watch it online, but it much more fun watching on TV, with perfect quality and actually have the dvds. i love buying boxsets for tv shows really, lol. Khichdi, Instant K, and SVS are definitely possible because they are comedies and can be done in a few discs. but the only big show i want from hats off is baa bahu, not jasuben or behnein or shree, just baa bahu season 1. that was the best show and can be watched again and again. I don't know why they are not making dvds themselves, they made such good shows, don't let them die out and be forgotten. if i had a show like that, i'd release dvds.
So guys, please sign the petition, if you're willing to buy the dvds upon release, because if they have a loss, they won't even consider making them again. I think if they advertise it properly, they can get very good amount of sales of DVDs.
p.s: do comment and tell me how much you would be willing to pay for lets say sarabhai season 1 complete? i'd pay 25-30 pound (altho it's worth around 40). and guys please spread this around, we need a lot of signatures and fast, so they can start this project, it will take time so lets do this! Thanks