I am hoping BBB star cast is reading fan's thoughts on BBB - I just thought I start a topic to write a message for each character - your emotions and thoughts about the character or just the show itself.
Here are my thoughts....
First of all thanks to Hats off Production for giving such a beautiful drama. I personally felt like BBB was my own family. When a character was going through emotinal time, I as a viewer felt the pain. At at times I even forgot that it's just a drama. This show is so real and packed with beautiful moments.
I want to thank the creative team of this show - from script writers to dress designers - thank you for breating live in to these characters who only came alive because of your sincere creativity.
Thanks to Baa for giving powerful performance as Baa. In leela's words - Esi Baa haar Ghar me honi hi chaiye 😊
Thanks to Mota Bhai's character for expressing his love for his family and his sincere love and respect for Baa. Also one can never forget his "HUH" - Mota bhai - U ROCK!
Thanks to Baby for being the heart of the show
Thanks to Baa's husband for being sincere to his role. Though his has had lots of challenges, we as viewers have always known that he has loved his family.
Thanks to Leela Bhabhi (Original) for making this show so fun and that same time thanks to the current Leela Bhabhi for taking on the role. I know it must have been a great challenge to fill original Leela Bhabhi's shoe.
Thanks to Praveena Bhabhi ( My Favourite).You made the show so real. Your on screen death left all the viewers with wet eyes and sore hearts. We are so happy that we got to be part of your on screen life.
Thanks to Minaxi Bhabi for making us laugh and times you even brought out emotions of anger in me lol. You have passed the interview and you have passed viewers hearts 😊
Thanks to Shilpa Bhabhi for being the most understanding one. You've handled Baby's marital problems very well. I am glad we got to see more of you in Season 2.
Thanks to Pravin (My Favourite). I am going to miss this character so much. I love your sarcasm, stingy ways, your sense of humor. Your character has never failed to interest me.
Thanks to Harshad for being such a sweet heart to the family.
Thanks Subbodh for loving your wife and I personally love it when u are being romantic with Meenaxi
Thanks to Hemal and Gudiya for progressing this show with a great story line. Gudiya, I don't agree with your ways but you do it with all honesty and innocence - your character challenging Baa has made me hook to the show even more.
Thanks to Gattu for being you and for bringing smiles to the Thakkar family and to the viewers. Your character is simply amazing and despite of mental challenges, you have been a great father to Gatuki. God bless you.
Charu wala - I always got excited to see you - you have brought out so many emotions out of me.
Tushar - your sense of humor is so bad but yet you have managed to make me laugh 😆
Birju - thank you for completing Baby. You two are totally made for each other.
Jigar and Rimjim - you guys have created such a mess on BBB - but I know it's just a story line, but yet I got to say - you guys have done a great acting.
Dimple and Anish - thanks for giving beatiful moments to BBB
All the kids in the house - thank you for making this show so fun to watch. You guys have been best friend to Gattu. Thank you for all the masti you guys create in the house.
Mangu Mosi - You irritated the hell out of me, but I still wish you had more role in the show.
Parshutam, Baba Bhai, Anirudh, Eecha, Kartina Kaif (for guest appearance), Praveena's sister, Meenxi's brother and sister in law, Narsi kaka and the other helper in the house (forgot his name), Gatuki's mother, Paranchpe, Dai Maa, Birju's mom, Gulal - Thanks to all for being part of this beautiful show!
Edited by Awww - 14 years ago