edit: it's like they added subodh & hemal just for the sake of using their characters, otherwise subodh was shown to be to sensible to agree to this.
And nice lesson for the kids too, well done, you should lie. good social message. why the hell include the kids? at home they are taught not to lie,etc, and outside this? and mehul is shown to be already under bad influence & including him into a lie is great teaching.
the character whom i disliked from begining, Gudia, and now hate even more. i can't stand her anymore, such a stupid character. and the acting is soooo crap as well, in real life, ppl would see through this str8 away. she has taken this as a daily job, going against baa & doing what she likes. honestly guys, look at the episodes where gudia was first introduced, she was much better than, now she's just different. so stupid.
the reason i hate jigar even more now is that he emotionally blackmailed his whole family, just like hemal did. that if they don't listen to him, he'll go and commit suicide. just like they showed in Jasuben, hated it then as well. this is really reallly bad message. kids will use this to their advantage now. in 3 idiots, they showed this, when the farhan (madhavan) wants to do photography, his dad says that we have to listen to him or else he will go and commit suicide, we have no chioce, and they concluded it well too. but jigar is just plain wrong.
even gattu is a bit over the top these days, but his story is still better than stupid jigar-rhimjhim.
i hope they send jigar away again for specialising & for foundation years for further studies & they never show him again, seen enough of him.
they've ruined baa's character as well, whom i thought to be one of the best before. they're showing that no one has respect towards her anymore, and in her own house, really wrong, everyone's lying to her, feel really bad for her.
Harshad has just suddenly disappeared too. I really hope the writers start paying attention to current shows too or HatsOff's name will disappear. & i really hope that they show this story just like hemals 2007 story, for once i want BBB to be repetitive, like when pravin bhai wore sari & the girl turned against them in the end, just like that i hope they show that rhimjhim leaves jigar. i really have no sympathy for jigar, hope they remove his character permanently. the show would have been much better of if they had killed jigar instead of pravina.
anyway, i have been quite for a few days, didn't want to sy anything, but now i thought i should, its draggin too much, when they showed the scene in the precap of 9th jan episode, of hemal getting caught, i instantly knew this would be shown at the end of the episode, and it did. i hope they conclude this & come up with better stories.