We All Are Missing These Two People......!
That is Lubna and Vaishali mam...............
Or Someone might be missing.....him as well.....?
Or Someone might be missing him???????????
But the fact remains the same.....that people come and go and it's we the people who have to take that fact and move ahead...
Well death cannot be averted in real life......so as the characters in dramas.....
Many reasons.....many purposes are behind people leaving the shows......
.....things like long time dedication with the show, getting bored with the same character or just having a feeling to move on. Someone doing a serial cannot shoot for many...So a desire for different roles is obvious.
I disagree with Lubna Salim that she cannot give more of herself to Leela's role, but I agree with her that there is something called monotony. If I was in Lubna's place then I would have done the same thing.....perhaps a bit earlier (like Vaishali).......I cannot dream of working in a same place for more than 4 years and that also doing the same role!!! no never.....So do Lubna and Vaishali...We are viewers and we think that Leela and Praveena are real people and will never go away....but the sad thing is that viewers easily forget that behing Leela and Praveena are real people working to make a living. They have their own life, own decisions, own dreams after all for the career ladder to progress to different roles rather than stick to same one for more than 4 years.
I am sorry to say but no matter what now it is impossible for either Leela or Vaishali to come in BBB. One good news is that Leela bhabhi has not died as Praveena, so the new Leela bhabhi is doing her best.. Another good news is that later in Praveen's life a Praveena like character will come...(already shown in BBB1).
So I share my feelings with those who are really dieing to see old Leela, Praveena or Jigar.....or even MJ back (not related to BBB !!), but sorry there is no way that way and we have to accept and move forward.
Just to share my experience, when Praveena died, I was nearly gone angry....I sent 10's of emails to hats off, I opened couple of online petitions with more than 500 signatures to bring back Vaishali....but all my efforts went in the small thing near my bed which I call a bin.....
So Moral of the story is that we have to move out of the emotions of the serial..and become practical at times....
But still if people have any feelings, or something to tell about Lubna, Vaishali, Jigar, feel free to write anything in this post.
Moderators please stick this post.....to make it a MEGA discussion on this topic so that we can clean up the forum which is filled with so many Lubna, Jigar, Vaishali topics all over...